That is, the one that indicates how effective they are when eaten instead of being made into potions. I'm pretty sure there is a GMST for this, but I don't know what it is

Ummm not sure exactly. However, gmst's cannot be affected in scripts anyway, so whatever your thinking of doing....
If u altered the variable directly, then chances are high that people won't run your mod as GMST's are.. 'Sacred'. Lol
Maybe tell us what u had in mind to do to it.
Of course, if ur just making a mod for yourself, then that's ok. Just might stuff ur own game up

Edit: having just looked thru the list of gmst's in a 'dirty' mod, none of them jump out as bring related to alchemy/ingredients directly... Mainly to do with werewolf status, etc etc. Gmst's isn't something I (need to) understand much tho anyway. Maybe s
Someone else will kno more ^_^