I got Skyrim for PC recently and started a Nord warrior. Just finished off Mulminir and bought Breezehome a couple of days ago. Took her with me today on a couple of local, fetch sword and kill bandit quests. That's when I noticed....
No more "I am sworn to carry your burdens." With an acid tongue as I remembered her on 360 but a warm acceptance.
What happened?
I am aware that Patch 1.9 freed up spme NPC dialogue and I got the Followers Relax mod which turns them loose to look around the house, sit in a chair, use the cookpot and pull out a brewski but this can't be tied to new AI, her DEMEANOR has completely changed.
Heck my Nord warrior is now giving her the 'eye' for future considerations.
I kept her till level 29 with my Bosmer DohVahKiin and turned her over to the Blades in part because her burdens remark was so wearing. Even then it was TOUGH to get rid of her.
So does anyone know what as caused this change? She has now moved past Mjoll in my book and caught up with Serana in my estimation, perhaps in part because of her new PC AI plus the fact she's just as drop dead gorgeous.