Or did we all get a copy of the game with the unfinished beta by accident? I don't know, but it's getting so rediculous now, so why not speculate rediculously? Right? I just wish I knew what happened between that time and now. I really do want to like this game, but it's all the problems that came with it that I didn't expect that are making it so bad and frustraiting, coupled with the lack of communication from the development team is making me want to abandon all hope of there ever being a patch or seeing a less laggy and more playable multiplayer.
If it can even be playable for that matter though. I feel betrayed though, decieved, conned, anyone of those kinds of bad things a company could possibly do to it's consumers. Perhaps Im overracting, it's just a game, but it's a game that I spent 60 dollars on and irriplacable time on now too. Should we have to settle for mediocre titles in this day and age?
with all the advancements in video entertainment should we have to settle for the less than we pay good money for? That answer should be more than an obvious NO. But that's what we've gotten here today in front of us. Some may tollerate it better than others, but that won't do any good for us since that'll never show our true displeasure for the quality of the product.
We should not have to pay for something that doesn't meet that standard, that one im talking about is the one that was previously set, that most of us spent good money for expecting to get what we saw before, only to be met with dissapointment and frustraition. I really want to like this game, I really want to play this game without any problems, I really want either of the Crytek teams to, at the very least, acknowledge the console problems instead of leave us in the dark with no hope in sight to be relinquished of these persistant pleagues of glitches and bad connections due to no region filter. We shouldn't have to settle for ALMOST good. We want GREAT.
Im sure I can speak for alot of people who have the same feelings of frustraition as I do. Im trying to be as constructive with any critisism I give as possible as I can be, and perhaps I'm being a bit of a diehard about this, but I would really like to play my game now.