ref crosshairref basefloat fquestdelaytimebegin gamemode set fquestdelaytime to 0.01 if ((player.isincombat == 1) && (player.getequippedobject 16 == 0)) messagebox "test1" if (OnControlDown 5 == 1) set crosshair to getcrosshairref if (crosshair.isweapon == 1) set base to crosshair.getbaseobject player.equipitem2ns base endif endif endifend
The problem is that its just not running. The messagebox i have in there will not fire...even though its mean to if im in combat with fists out...and here another weird thing, if i write it like so:
if (player.isincombat == 1) if (player.getequippedobject 16 == 0)
Then it does work, but the next if statement doesnt.....any ideas?