Okay, so I'm in Riften, smithing up some Ebony armor, a perk in the smithing tree that I recently acquired. As I enter the forge, banging my hammer and all that, I hear a conversation, or argument rather, break out between two or so people in the market. I can't really make out what they're saying, as the sound of the hammer banging drowned most of it out, so I don't bother myself with it. However, when my guy stopped banging his hammer, I heard one line very clearly. "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get." I immediately exit the forge, knowing a fight is about to break out, and I want to stop it, or if I can't, watch it. As I turn around, I see the Dunmer shopkeep you get the Ice Wraith teeth for, and Bersi and his wife (owners of the Pawned Prawn), all draw daggers and get into a knife fight. Bersi and his wife gang up on the shopkeep, and quickly down her, and then kill her. Then Bersi and his wife casually walk back to their shop, with no interference from the guards. Then later, I get a note from a courier saying that I have an inheritance from the death of the shopkeep. So now I have one question. What in the world happened?