As the title says, what in all hells happened to Windhelm? Why were the textures and the overall setting so botched? Textures are huge, stretched out, blurry and detail-less. You look down at the murder questline area and its just a blurred, muddy mess. There are tons of areas around the city where textures are misaligned. An abandoned house is left empty of detail, instead of making good use of the endless spider web textures and effects they have available. Tons of corners that are void of any detail. Hell even your first encounter with Ulrich inside the castle is botched. His discussion with his lieutenant will repeat itself endlessly, and they'll be walking back and forth between the map room, sometimes talking to one another while they're not even in the same room.
I've never had a very high opinion of Bethesda on the technical forefront, but this really takes the cake. It really feels like they ran out of time and decided to slap a bunch of bland textures, basic ai design and call it a day.
Am I the only one who's annoyed by this?
As someone who's done much level design over the past decade, I find it downright appauling. I'm totally shocked that this would pass in a triple A title like Skyrim.