I did a test one week with a class that was extremely easy to level up. I play on PS3.
It's a mage character. Here are the stats and information on this class.
Apprentice Birthsign
Overall Level: 46
-Strength: 72
-Intelligence: 100
-Willpower: 100
-Agility: 40
-Speed: 40
-Endurance: 65
-Personality: 60
-Luck: 68
Major Skills (All maxed at 100):
I picked those because they're the easiest to level up.
Can anyone tell me whether or not this is the max level or not? I tried to make the strongest mage possible, but at the same time, attempt to reach the max level. I thought 46 was a weird number for them to end the level progression on and was hoping someone could better explain these things to me.