Shards of the sword flew all around the main hall, a piece of the main blade about five inches long struck me in the face and i fell to the ground bleeding, little did i know the damage i had caused, the hilt and about a foot of the blade flew straight past the arch mages head mssing him by an inch and was lodged in his seat, and when i rose to my feet i saw Arielle laying on the ground infront of me, another big shard of the blade had hit her in the back, i was told she was dead before she hit the floor, this was however little comfort to me, i picked up the shard that had hit me in the face, quickly stabilized it and ran out of the mages guild, out of jehanna for that matter.
I keep this sword shard on a piece of twine around my neck and i shave my head with it every morning at dawn, i was told that my long brown hair was quite beautiful once... i resent my hair being called beautiful when Arielle is the only beautiful thing in this world, so i deny the world the chance to see my hair.