In part I believe the mod author, because at level 28 I don't ever see tier 1 or tier 2 items for sale. I would think that were the lists working, I would get tier 1 to tier 4 items offered to me (for vendors that had all such options, like Vendertron). Instead I just get tier 4 items. Now, because the game setting is iLevItem, I don't believe this single setting controls all leveled lists, just item leveled lists. So my question extends to the behavior of the iLevCreaLevelDifferenceMax and iLevCharLevelDifferenceMax settings. Are these the equivalent for leveled lists dealing with creature and NPC spawns, respectively?
All of these settings are set to 0 right now (vanilla FNV). The mod author states that setting iLevItemLevelDifferenceMax to 30 would fix this issue, but if the description is accurate, that would cause vendors to offer tier 4 items to any level character. I'm not sure that's such a good idea.
So here is my question: how do these settings work? If I wanted vendors to carry items AT and BELOW the correct tier for my character, should I iLevItemLevelDifferenceMax setting to a negative number, like -30? What do the iLevCharLevelDifferenceMax and iLevCreaLevelDifferenceMax settings control? If I set both the *Char and *Crea settings to some positive number, say 5, does that mean I could encounter creatures / NPCs at a higher Tier than my current level classifies me at IF I was within 5 levels of the next tier?
TL;DR version: wtf does iLevItemLevelDifferenceMax, iLevCreaLevelDifferenceMax and iLevCharLevelDifferenceMax control, and how do positive / negative numbers effect them?