Warning: There be Spoilers Here
Hello, everyone. I'm not new to the forums, although it's been so long that I forgot my former username! ... Ahem. So, I searched and couldn't find a topic for a theory that's been bandied about other places -- but apologies if a similar thread has been posted already. Anyway, put on your tinfoil hats, kids, and ask yourselves:
What if the main character is actually an android?
I know, I know, but just hear me out. The survivor wakes up 200 years after the Great War, alone. Now, either that ends up some exceptional genes and napping power, or there's something else going on. Now, you're probably saying, "But tinker_tailor, isn't it more likely that the main character wakes from some kind of stasis sleep? That's pretty much a locked deal."
Maybe. But that's common sense country, and we can't stop there. And anyway, stasis doesn't preclude this android theory. (More on that in a bit.) So. Let's say that you get lowered into Vault 111 with your family, as mentioned in Bethesda's showcase. But Vaults, they were never really meant to save anyone. And most of them come with the added "bonus" of involving experiments, the kind of experiments that can drive people literally crazy ... or worse. So what is this particular vault's experiment? Why, an advanced and unproven technology that is going to be unleased on the vault population, of course!
Some of you are no doubt skeptical. "The tech of 2077 wasn't anywhere near the level it needed to be for androids -- and besides, everyone knows that the Institute invented them!" Tech in the Fallout 'verse wasn't up to snuff, you're right ... if you ignore canon. Canon that included a little thing called Skynet, for instance. I won't give away any big spoilers, but let's just say that Skynet's existence could provide a way of getting around certain technological limitations. That's not the only way to play with what exists. According to what lore there is on computers, microchips do actually exist but they're just very, very rare. (I'd post a link to the right sources if I could, but the "Computer" entry of the Fallout pages on gampedia are ones I can't link to as a noob.
(But search engines do exist for a reason. So.)
"Ah-ha," you cry at your screen at this very moment in triumph, "tinker_tailor, you poor, deluded fool. An android would know she's an android. They're not like humans at all!"
To you I say, "Harkness," and drop the mic I keep next to me at all times.
Anyhow, to get on with this post, you're lowered into 111. You and your family survives. But you wake up 200 years later, alone, all other vaulties gone or dead. Why?
You were an android created in a vault experiment and filled with memories of a human advlt because Vault-Tec needs its lulz. (Did Dr. Braun design this one too? Did you relive your "life" through a simulation, like those people in 112? Maaaaybe.) Could be you weren't the only android made, either. Could be other ones were activated and sent into the wastes before you believing that they just came out of stasis too, but that doesn't matter. Your "family" is long dead ... and, worse, they weren't yours anyway. You're an echo.
(Also, in this scenario, the Institute totally found androids from 111 wandering the wastes and reverse-engineered the technology before crowing about how they invented it.)