Karthwasten was pretty disappointing for me. I was hoping to make it my main base of operations, but the town is only a few locked buildings and a couple of mines, there isn't even an inn.
I also thought Stonehills was a little too minute, but I wasn't even expecting it to be in the game. Same with Karthwasten. Markarth felt a helluva lot smaller than what I expected, and I also did not expect that it was easy to traverse to. I seriously imagined it being completely surrounded by high cliffs, with only a thin slit as a way to make leave or entry. Winterhold... Just wasn't there. Even after the disaster (developer's excuse to have it small?), it still felt too lacking.
Yeah, I can pretty much protest the size and scale of all the denizens since Morrowind, though they all stand out in terms of architecture and design for sure. Perhaps several places used the same style of construct, but at least they were built by the hands of the same culture.
Riften was okay. Whiterun was okay. (I don't recall Oblivion and Morrowind since it's been a while). Solitude... f'ing amazing. THAT was a city.
Okay, it did have it shortcomings, but it was an attempt. I'll always be a little curious as to how easily a catacomb can be accessed from the outside, with three skeletons just standing within, and outside being all happy and sunny lol