Im playing a Nord Dragonborn. So far I have done the Companions & the MQ. I'm wondering your opinions on what order I should do my questlines.
Here are the major questlines I plan on doing (in no particular order, mind you):
Civil War
Lost To the Ages
Missing In Action
Destroy the Dark Brotherhood
Forsworn Conspiracy
A Taste of Death
The quest to help the Orcs at Largasbur, I forget it's name...
I dont plan on joining the other 3 factions.
Basically, I'm just asking what order of doing these quest makes the most sense to you? Now, I AM currently in the middle of the Civil War...but I feel like I don't want to finish it yet. I like the atmosphere of still having the war going on (and we all know pretty much every NPC acts like it's still going on, even after you finish it), however, I'm doing some moderate RP'ing, and I'm not sure it would make sense reastically to just randomly, you know...stop helping the war effort. But I'm open to any opinions, and input is very much appreciated.