I've heard mentions here of Skyrim fixing the Oblivion issues with level scaling, has Bethesda announced what it's doing for level scaling yet?
Also, are there open cities now? Can someone tell me where to find all the newly announced information besides the BethBlog, because that doesn't seem to have everything.
Pretty much like fallout, first not everything is at your level, you have different locations, close to the staring point they are probably levelled level 1-6 some distance away 5-12 other areas might be 10-20 and you probably have some real hard areas.
If you enter a low level area first time at level 1 enemies will be level 1, if you enter at level 6 or 20 they would be at their max level 6, if you enter a harder area like 5-12 at level 1 they will be level 5.
Two changes from Oblivion, enemies only follow your level inside their min and max level
Enemy level get locked first time you enter a dungeon, so if you enter a 5-12 dungeon at level 3 enemies will be level 5 then you come back at level 7.