What is the point of merging greaves and cuirass?

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:12 am

It's going to be part of the crafting system. You have to fit your armor. Which puts it as one piece into your armor selection

Hope to god your not right. I shouldn't have to use Smithing to be able to get diversity in my armor, that doesn't make sense.

Im sure that there are smiths in game that can do that for you. It'll probably cost a bit of money, but I doubt it would be that expensive. That is assuming smithing will change the look of armor.

But why can't I just mix and match armor like before? Doesn't make sense to me.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:20 am

i guess clipping issues
but idk, id rather have some clipping than have to wear a single giant suit with a few free slots
plus i dont really see how it works realistically (its a game i know, but still)
seems to me like itd be hard to get into a set of armor when the only points of entry are the neck, hands, and leg openings lol
but maybe were all wrong
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:46 am

Hope to god your not right. I shouldn't have to use Smithing to be able to get diversity in my armor, that doesn't make sense.

I assume if they that they would include a barter option for that with some merchants. That would be hideous if there wasn't...
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:37 am

You got to LOVE the people who defend the big companies for everything just because they feel like it. Let people whine or throw out ideas if they feel like it, surprisingly enough it helps a lot more then you telling them that they should shut up and stop complaining. Because you know, the big company really will not get its feeling hurt by someone giving advice or whining.
Anyway, if the cloth physics work with console, I don't get why it is beyond their ability to use it. Maybe it still takes to much power when considering that the graphics already much be pushing their limits?
Anyway, even with clipping issues I don't agree with degrading objects like that, would you rather have a good game, or a game that looks good?(which you anyway can only see in 3rd person... I hate 3rd person in first person RPG's)
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:39 am

Agree with MK. Clipping issues can solved easily and shouldnt be a problem for Bethesda so I guess the real reason is either dev laziness or that they somehow manage to think that it makes the game sell better by making it more streamlined. Or that theyre just stupid. There is no good reason to merge them as there was no good reason to remove Morrowind style separate armour pieces or clothes under armor.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:33 am

A few things before I start:
1. This is not a thread to discuss how greaves and cuirass have possibly been merged, this for discussion of what the point is.
2. No flaming others for their positions on things/no flaming what previous ES games have done with it.
3. Mods if you deem this worthy of being moved to an open thread just close it :)

So I keep hearing they have merged cuirass' and greaves for Skyrim. It was pretty well confirmed (at least imo) in the Ashley Cheng interview. But I must ask what is the point? Why merge them? I just don't see why it is possibly being done... I mean Beth saw the backlash of what happened when they removed pauldrons, separate gauntlets and clothes under armor for Oblivion, why did they think it a good to remove even more?

My assumption would be finer control over what greaves go with what chest plate. The reason that could be good for the designer, is that the greaves need only look good and not clip into the suit they are a part of; and not need to be tested or modified to work with all of the other suits.

Another reason might involve the number of objects. Three become one [*maybe]. Some games that need several animated figures in a group will often have the entire group be one animated object instead of several independent objects to track.
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:13 am

Hope to god your not right. I shouldn't have to use Smithing to be able to get diversity in my armor, that doesn't make sense.

But why can't I just mix and match armor like before? Doesn't make sense to me.

You won't need a Smithing skill of 100 to fit armor.......
You will be able to do it from the start... You will not be required to upgrade your skill to fit armor you find... just to make amazing armor from ore... that will require bigger Smithing skill.
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:12 am

But why can't I just mix and match armor like before? Doesn't make sense to me.

Probably to add more use to the smithing skill. Similar to how if you didn't invest in armorer you would have to pay others to repair your gear for you. Speaking of which, does gear still degrade with use? Or did they take that out?
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:18 am

Considering the look of the cuirass, I'd say pauldrons were merged with them, while greaves were merged likely with boots.

However, it's clear that this is to get more seamless looking armor than clippy as crap armor. Personally, mismatched clippy armor with next to impossible odds of completing a set until you've about worn out the character bothered the crap out of me.

Both, appears that the boots is up to the knees while the cuirass use a knee length skirt.
Two reasons, reduce clipping and allow for more unique armors. Both Oblivion and more Morrowind restricted armor design, Boots and gloves does not create this issues as the joint Is on limbs not on the bendable torso.
Cloth physic has two drawbacks, expensive as it had to be used on all npc, also mostly used on skirts, long hair and capes not full body cloth physic.
Luckily nobody here claimed it was done to make the game more accessible as lots of far more mainstream games like Runescape has more armor slots
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kat no x
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:42 am

Two worlds 2 has cloth physics and is out on consoles...sure seems easy doesnt it....yep

Using Two Worlds 1 or 2 hurts your case more than it helps, just so you know.

Assuming it's true, the reasons is likely related to the crafting system, and not clipping, at least not in any significant sense. It could have been a datacruch issue too. Perhaps they pushed the storage capacity of the Xbox360's discs, and tried this as a solution, or maybe they just wanted to free up real-estate for additional content.

I really can't think of a good reason, unless enchanting is the bees knees.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:10 pm

More convenient for enchanting and smithing?
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:36 pm

My assumption would be finer control over what greaves go with what chest plate. The reason that could be good for the designer, is that the greaves need only look good and not clip into the suit they are a part of; and not need to be tested or modified to work with all of the other suits.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that it's some sort of appearance/style thing.... if it's all one set, you can have straps that cross over different areas/etc. Which could get complicated if they were mix-n-match.

...still doesn't feel good. I like to mix-n-match. IF the stuff is one piece "armor", I'm hoping that it's still got hidden leg/shoulder/torso slots like in Fallout 3, so at least we can salvage something with mods. (yes, I know, mods aren't on consoles. But by that theory, we can never mention fixing things with mods ever.)
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:54 am

I feel it just wasn't high on the priority list for Bethesda. The line of thought would be streamlining not for the player but for the developer. That's one less item to create out of the list of hundreds.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:04 pm

Who cares? i mean why are you guys really complaining about this. i rather have them make bad ass armor than just making normal sets of clothing.
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:45 am

Two worlds 2 in of itself isnt the argument. its the fact that a game open world rpg has cloth physics, done said, done deal.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:30 pm

Just from the screenshots, I think there's going to be such an amazing diversity in armor, a lot of people will forget that you can't WoW it up and equip separate shoulder armor the size of a jumbo jet. Some people do seem a little paranoid though, like Bethesda (may have) chose this just to anger the fans. I'd trade a thousand equipment slots for 5 slots with 10 distinct suits any day.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:31 pm

Just from the screenshots, I think there's going to be such an amazing diversity in armor, a lot of people will forget that you can't WoW it up and equip separate shoulder armor the size of a jumbo jet. Some people do seem a little paranoid though, like Bethesda (may have) chose this just to anger the fans. I'd trade a thousand equipment slots for 5 slots with 10 distinct suits any day.

I don't think they did it for that reason, but I don't understand why we can't mix and match. As long as I can hire someone to do the things the smithing skill can do, and I don't have to do it myself, I'll be fine with the customization being available only to smiths.
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hannah sillery
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:24 am

Two worlds 2 in of itself isnt the argument. its the fact that a game open world rpg has cloth physics, done said, done deal.

Again, Two Worlds 2 does NOT have a true flowing open world, and it does NOT have AI that is not only significantly more overwhelming than other AI, it also functions when you're not in the vicinity. There is ALREADY a considerable load on these consoles, and personally I'd rather things be optimized regardless of me running it on the PC.

Please learn what you're talking about if you're going to be dogmatic in your opinion.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:54 pm

I don't think they did it for that reason, but I don't understand why we can't mix and match. As long as I can hire someone to do the things the smithing skill can do, and I don't have to do it myself, I'll be fine with the customization being available only to smiths.


you could just role play the fact that smiths can only do it. that way I can role play the fact that I can do it.... then we are both happy :)
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Charles Weber
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:43 pm

Assuming it's true, the reasons is likely related to the crafting system, and not clipping, at least not in any significant sense. It could have been a datacruch issue too. Perhaps they pushed the storage capacity of the Xbox360's discs, and tried this as a solution, or maybe they just wanted to free up real-estate for additional content.

Yeah clipping is a BS excuse. Because well, they ain't getting rid of all the clipping. TBH OB greaves and cuirass didn't clip so bad in most circumstances.

Crafting system in a possibility. Some other game mechanic thing.

But the data crunch seems moot when from all the extra draw calls that are likely to be taking place, just from what we have seen it seems like quite a few outfits are separate pieces already so to speak.

I think the best excuse is soemthing game mechanic wise. The extra draw call is a tiny hit, and the clipping seems a bit extreme. If they were super anol and nothing clipped now.. then yeah ok... but that ain't happening.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:46 am

it saves memory
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:09 pm

it saves memory

Not enough to matter. All the textures and meshes are still as complex. Maybe you'd save a tiny, tiny amount of game memory by removing a slot.

I for one am fine with the change, but really really hope that Bethesda's kind enough to us PC users to add more slots in the Creation Kit, even if they don't utilize them in the vanilla game for whatever reason.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:56 am

You can't put cloth physics on armor.
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phil walsh
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:29 pm

Again, Two Worlds 2 does NOT have a true flowing open world, and it does NOT have AI that is not only significantly more overwhelming than other AI, it also functions when you're not in the vicinity. There is ALREADY a considerable load on these consoles, and personally I'd rather things be optimized regardless of me running it on the PC.

Please learn what you're talking about if you're going to be dogmatic in your opinion.

I would show you vids about Oblivions AI and the pretty widly known limitation that is Oblivion not able to render more than 8-9 NPC in one area at the same time during combat, not to mention no, no AI does not function when the player isnt in the Area, AI in Bruma doesnt move when your in Bravil....sooo yeah and again

Also if you people would READ THE FUZZING FIRST PAGE you'll see what I am addressing, the remark that console hardware can't do Cloth physics......and there is no true flowing open world, not even TES.

Im being Dogmatic in my opinions and your trying to sell Oblivions AI and a AI you haven't even witnessed yet as More overwhelming then othher AI....get real.
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:15 pm

Is it in or not?

I don't care for reasons, whatever the reason it is its a stupid one. We had it in Oblivion and its predessocors so no I don't believe it is.
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