What the races should look like in your opinion

Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:04 pm

Tribal Bosmer & Dunmer with face/body paints & tattoos. Dark brown/green/black paint & tats for Bosmer, Light/White(Ash) & red paint & tats for Dunmer.
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:26 pm

Mainland inner European influences. A combination of Austrian, French, German, Polish, Romanian. Dark to dark blondish hair and dark eyes. Hair is in-between being totally straight, but not overly curly, either. Somewhat thinner and shorter than the other races.

Skin ranging from very light tan to bronze, like the Greeks and Romans. Eyes all shades of brown, some of them becoming hazel-green. For males, hair is usually close-cropped in a military fashion or fully shaved. Not very tall, but broad-shouldered. Mild Italian accent with hints of Greek and Macedonian. Have no problems with public nudity (like the Romans), and like to have even tans.

Skin goes from fair to slightly tanned, with hair going from blond to red to light brown. Black hair very uncommon. Beards and long hair fashionable for men, usually braided. Women have their hair braided as well, most of the time. Tattoos as well. Blue to green eyes. The occasional violet or gray. Tall and stout body structure. Square jawed. Accent is Icelandic, Greenlandic, with hints of Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish.

Skin goes from bronzed to a dark shade of brown. Eyes all kinds of brown. Hair is usually curly, sometimes done in dreadlocks if long enough. While tall as Nords and muscular, they are more lean and sinewy than the other races. Strong jaw. The wealthier Redguards may have fancy ear or nose piercings. Accent is a combination of north-central African, Indian, and Middle Eastern.

An ashen-gray, with some having the tiniest tinge of blue. Hair is long and straight, usually a kind of gray-color. Usually kind of thin in a bony, muscular way, and not too tall. Pointy ears. Eyes range from deep red to lightish dark pink. Gravelly, husky, throaty smoker's voice. Faces are kind of angular, with high cheekbones, sharp chin. Elf ears, but not too pronounced. Accent is... too gruff and tough to tell. Kind of Native American. Ashlanders use tongue clicks as code out in battle. The more Ashlander-ish ones have more tattoos/self-scarring. Fashionable for females to wear one earring if single, two if in a relationship.

Small, but muscled. Tannish, golden skin. Faces are somewhat heart-shaped, or rounded. Very dark eyes, straight hair ranging from light blond to very dark brown. Elf ears, not as pronounced as the others. Peruvian accent. Usually sporting bone piercings, tattoo/scarification, and bone transdermals.

Tallest race, quite skinny, but still proportionate. Albino-pale skin with a pretty hint of gold. Eyes are usually some shade of brown. Hair is straight, ranging from white to a dark blond. Elf ears quite pronounced. Faces are smooth and oval-shaped, if that makes sense. Mild Chinese-Philippine accent.

Tall, sometimes even taller than Nords and Redguards. Stout, muscular and broad-shouldered. A dark green skin tone, though can be a few shades lighter. Lower canines are long, sharp and exaggerated, coming out of the mouth; on some rare occasion, the top canines will be the exaggerated ones, and some special cases (called 'blessed' 'special' 'lucky bastard') have all four canines be huge, which is considered very attractive. Jutting jaw, flat slanted forehead, wide cheekbones. Flared snout nose. Eyes are almond-shaped, goldish-yellow to goldish-brown. All Orcs seem to have a kind of melancholy, solemn expression, but that's just the way their face muscles are by default. Aside from the canines and front teeth, all other teeth are flat and, uh, herbivore-like. Hair ranges from black to a grayish green, and has a little curl to it naturally; often worn in dreadlocks, ponytail, and so on. Often have ritual scarification. High-ranking Orcs have the rest of their teeth filed to sharpness. Nails somewhat sharper than the rest, but not Argonian/Khajiit style. The elf-style ears are quite pronounced, and can even have the earlobes be kind of big. Mongolian accent. When respected, wear little bits of broken weaponry or armor as jewelry or good luck charms.

Oblivion-style legs, slit-eyes in all the colors of the rainbow, nails like claws, big sharp teeth, spiny backs and tails. However, they should be more angular, if that makes sense. They don't so much walk across the ground as they do... shift. Not overly muscular; think monitor lizard as the bulkiest an Argonian can possibly be. Scale color can be any combination of the primary colors. Scale textures depends on background (smooth like a snake, rough like a crocodile, spiky like a bearded dragon, etc.) The spines on their heads (which act like hair) will move around, depending on their mood. Kind of like the Khajiit cat ears. Voice is like a smooth, calming whisper, like an advanced kind of hiss. Have have webbing in between their clawed toes (yes, like lizard feet. Yes, they can wear boots and helmets.). Gills on the sides of the neck, for water-breathing. Pacific Islander accent.

Oblivion-style legs. Cat ears, whiskers, tail, cat nose, fangs, and so on. Fur color, length, and texture depends on background; brown, orange, white, black, gray, striped, dappled, whatever. Whisker length depends on age. Cat eyes, usually coming in shades of green and gold, but very rarely blue. Voice is a purring, kind of yowl-ish meow. Hands and feet are kind of... paw-like. They have the little pads, and stuff. And retractable nails. As Khajiit get older, they start developing a patch of white under the chin, on the throat, and front of the chest (like real cats!). Older males might have fuzzy beards. Eyes glow in the dark around light sources. Inuit accent.

Dwarves are stout, strong, and Scot-Irish, but you know that. Red or bronze hair, slightly tanned skin, brown eyes.

The Akaviri are freakin' snake people, man.

... How's that?
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:29 pm

Mainland inner European influences. A combination of Austrian, French, German, Polish, Romanian. Dark to dark blondish hair and dark eyes. Hair is in-between being totally straight, but not overly curly, either. Somewhat thinner and shorter than the other races.

Skin ranging from very light tan to bronze, like the Greeks and Romans. Eyes all shades of brown, some of them becoming hazel-green. For males, hair is usually close-cropped in a military fashion or fully shaved. Not very tall, but broad-shouldered. Mild Italian accent with hints of Greek and Macedonian. Have no problems with public nudity (like the Romans), and like to have even tans.

Skin goes from fair to slightly tanned, with hair going from blond to red to light brown. Black hair very uncommon. Beards and long hair fashionable for men, usually braided. Women have their hair braided as well, most of the time. Tattoos as well. Blue to green eyes. The occasional violet or gray. Tall and stout body structure. Square jawed. Accent is Icelandic, Greenlandic, with hints of Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish.

Skin goes from bronzed to a dark shade of brown. Eyes all kinds of brown. Hair is usually curly, sometimes done in dreadlocks if long enough. While tall as Nords and muscular, they are more lean and sinewy than the other races. Strong jaw. The wealthier Redguards may have fancy ear or nose piercings. Accent is a combination of north-central African, Indian, and Middle Eastern.

An ashen-gray, with some having the tiniest tinge of blue. Hair is long and straight, usually a kind of gray-color. Usually kind of thin in a bony, muscular way, and not too tall. Pointy ears. Eyes range from deep red to lightish dark pink. Gravelly, husky, throaty smoker's voice. Faces are kind of angular, with high cheekbones, sharp chin. Elf ears, but not too pronounced. Accent is... too gruff and tough to tell. Kind of Native American. Ashlanders use tongue clicks as code out in battle. The more Ashlander-ish ones have more tattoos/self-scarring. Fashionable for females to wear one earring if single, two if in a relationship.

Small, but muscled. Tannish, golden skin. Faces are somewhat heart-shaped, or rounded. Very dark eyes, straight hair ranging from light blond to very dark brown. Elf ears, not as pronounced as the others. Peruvian accent. Usually sporting bone piercings, tattoo/scarification, and bone transdermals.

Tallest race, quite skinny, but still proportionate. Albino-pale skin with a pretty hint of gold. Eyes are usually some shade of brown. Hair is straight, ranging from white to a dark blond. Elf ears quite pronounced. Faces are smooth and oval-shaped, if that makes sense. Mild Chinese-Philippine accent.

Tall, sometimes even taller than Nords and Redguards. Stout, muscular and broad-shouldered. A dark green skin tone, though can be a few shades lighter. Lower canines are long, sharp and exaggerated, coming out of the mouth; on some rare occasion, the top canines will be the exaggerated ones, and some special cases (called 'blessed' 'special' 'lucky bastard') have all four canines be huge, which is considered very attractive. Jutting jaw, flat slanted forehead, wide cheekbones. Flared snout nose. Eyes are almond-shaped, goldish-yellow to goldish-brown. All Orcs seem to have a kind of melancholy, solemn expression, but that's just the way their face muscles are by default. Aside from the canines and front teeth, all other teeth are flat and, uh, herbivore-like. Hair ranges from black to a grayish green, and has a little curl to it naturally; often worn in dreadlocks, ponytail, and so on. Often have ritual scarification. High-ranking Orcs have the rest of their teeth filed to sharpness. Nails somewhat sharper than the rest, but not Argonian/Khajiit style. The elf-style ears are quite pronounced, and can even have the earlobes be kind of big. Mongolian accent. When respected, wear little bits of broken weaponry or armor as jewelry or good luck charms.

Oblivion-style legs, slit-eyes in all the colors of the rainbow, nails like claws, big sharp teeth, spiny backs and tails. However, they should be more angular, if that makes sense. They don't so much walk across the ground as they do... shift. Not overly muscular; think monitor lizard as the bulkiest an Argonian can possibly be. Scale color can be any combination of the primary colors. Scale textures depends on background (smooth like a snake, rough like a crocodile, spiky like a bearded dragon, etc.) The spines on their heads (which act like hair) will move around, depending on their mood. Kind of like the Khajiit cat ears. Voice is like a smooth, calming whisper, like an advanced kind of hiss. Have have webbing in between their clawed toes (yes, like lizard feet. Yes, they can wear boots and helmets.). Gills on the sides of the neck, for water-breathing. Pacific Islander accent.

Oblivion-style legs. Cat ears, whiskers, tail, cat nose, fangs, and so on. Fur color, length, and texture depends on background; brown, orange, white, black, gray, striped, dappled, whatever. Whisker length depends on age. Cat eyes, usually coming in shades of green and gold, but very rarely blue. Voice is a purring, kind of yowl-ish meow. Hands and feet are kind of... paw-like. They have the little pads, and stuff. And retractable nails. As Khajiit get older, they start developing a patch of white under the chin, on the throat, and front of the chest (like real cats!). Older males might have fuzzy beards. Eyes glow in the dark around light sources. Inuit accent.

Dwarves are stout, strong, and Scot-Irish, but you know that. Red or bronze hair, slightly tanned skin, brown eyes.

The Akaviri are freakin' snake people, man.

... How's that?

I definitely don't agree with oblivion-style legs for khajiit and argonians, or that Altmer can't have blue eyes and have Chinese accents, but everything else is great.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:54 am

Dwarves are stout, strong, and Scot-Irish, but you know that. Red or bronze hair, slightly tanned skin, brown eyes.

... How's that?


The "Dwarves" were lean, and possessing a similar built but a little bit taller to an average Dunmer (their ghosts in Morrowind appear to be in a hunched position). And I assumed that if any mirror dialects off our Earth's history it would be a mix of the Mesopotamian people's and lotsa incomprehensible guttural clangs.

Also a bit of correction on the "Akaviri": I guess you've meant the Tsaesci people instead; which in that case, they might or might actually not a half-serpent people.
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:07 pm


The "Dwarves" were lean, and possessing a similar built but a little bit taller to an average Dunmer (their ghosts in Morrowind appear to be in a hunched position). And I assumed that if any mirror dialects off our Earth's history it would be a mix of the Mesopotamian people's and lotsa incomprehensible guttural clangs.

Also a bit of correction on the "Akaviri": I guess you've meant the Tsaesci people instead; which in that case, they might or might actually not a half-serpent people.

Uh, my bad. Forgot about that. Was thinking of that fat one with the spider-legs in Morrowind.

What's their actual name, again? Something-mer?
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:03 pm

Uh, my bad. Forgot about that. Was thinking of that fat one with the spider-legs in Morrowind.

What's their actual name, again? Something-mer?

You're thinking of Dwemer, if memory serves that is, which it usually does.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:14 pm

*Smacks forehead*

Dwemer. Of course. Of all the mer to forget...
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:55 pm

I definitely don't agree with oblivion-style legs for khajiit and argonians, or that Altmer can't have blue eyes and have chink accents, but everything else is great.

Agree on the legs & feet, Morrowind did it better.
Voices/accents should be distinct between races though.
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:40 pm

Agree on the legs & feet, Morrowind did it better.
Voices/accents should be distinct between races though.

I agree with this. I can't be the only one who thinks the Khajit and Argonian voices have sounded far too alike. Retcon or no, I think they should be different sounding from one another, and I don't care for hearing over-exaggerated lisping and purring either.
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:14 pm

Uh, my bad. Forgot about that. Was thinking of that fat one with the spider-legs in Morrowind.

No biggie.

Agree on the legs & feet, Morrowind did it better.
Voices/accents should be distinct between races though.

Nice in concept but utterly ridiculous in execution (and this coming from the guy from the "MORROWIND IS TEH BEST TES EVAH" camp.) I want at least a proper big cats feet for a Khajiit and an Argonian that doesn't look like they dilly-dally in a seemingly confused manner with their spindly ornithomimid-like feet!
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:39 pm

Mainland inner European influences. A combination of Austrian, French, German, Polish, Romanian. Dark to dark blondish hair and dark eyes. Hair is in-between being totally straight, but not overly curly, either. Somewhat thinner and shorter than the other races.

Skin ranging from very light tan to bronze, like the Greeks and Romans. Eyes all shades of brown, some of them becoming hazel-green. For males, hair is usually close-cropped in a military fashion or fully shaved. Not very tall, but broad-shouldered. Mild Italian accent with hints of Greek and Macedonian. Have no problems with public nudity (like the Romans), and like to have even tans.

Skin goes from fair to slightly tanned, with hair going from blond to red to light brown. Black hair very uncommon. Beards and long hair fashionable for men, usually braided. Women have their hair braided as well, most of the time. Tattoos as well. Blue to green eyes. The occasional violet or gray. Tall and stout body structure. Square jawed. Accent is Icelandic, Greenlandic, with hints of Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish.

Skin goes from bronzed to a dark shade of brown. Eyes all kinds of brown. Hair is usually curly, sometimes done in dreadlocks if long enough. While tall as Nords and muscular, they are more lean and sinewy than the other races. Strong jaw. The wealthier Redguards may have fancy ear or nose piercings. Accent is a combination of north-central African, Indian, and Middle Eastern.

An ashen-gray, with some having the tiniest tinge of blue. Hair is long and straight, usually a kind of gray-color. Usually kind of thin in a bony, muscular way, and not too tall. Pointy ears. Eyes range from deep red to lightish dark pink. Gravelly, husky, throaty smoker's voice. Faces are kind of angular, with high cheekbones, sharp chin. Elf ears, but not too pronounced. Accent is... too gruff and tough to tell. Kind of Native American. Ashlanders use tongue clicks as code out in battle. The more Ashlander-ish ones have more tattoos/self-scarring. Fashionable for females to wear one earring if single, two if in a relationship.

Small, but muscled. Tannish, golden skin. Faces are somewhat heart-shaped, or rounded. Very dark eyes, straight hair ranging from light blond to very dark brown. Elf ears, not as pronounced as the others. Peruvian accent. Usually sporting bone piercings, tattoo/scarification, and bone transdermals.

Tallest race, quite skinny, but still proportionate. Albino-pale skin with a pretty hint of gold. Eyes are usually some shade of brown. Hair is straight, ranging from white to a dark blond. Elf ears quite pronounced. Faces are smooth and oval-shaped, if that makes sense. Mild Chinese-Philippine accent.

Tall, sometimes even taller than Nords and Redguards. Stout, muscular and broad-shouldered. A dark green skin tone, though can be a few shades lighter. Lower canines are long, sharp and exaggerated, coming out of the mouth; on some rare occasion, the top canines will be the exaggerated ones, and some special cases (called 'blessed' 'special' 'lucky bastard') have all four canines be huge, which is considered very attractive. Jutting jaw, flat slanted forehead, wide cheekbones. Flared snout nose. Eyes are almond-shaped, goldish-yellow to goldish-brown. All Orcs seem to have a kind of melancholy, solemn expression, but that's just the way their face muscles are by default. Aside from the canines and front teeth, all other teeth are flat and, uh, herbivore-like. Hair ranges from black to a grayish green, and has a little curl to it naturally; often worn in dreadlocks, ponytail, and so on. Often have ritual scarification. High-ranking Orcs have the rest of their teeth filed to sharpness. Nails somewhat sharper than the rest, but not Argonian/Khajiit style. The elf-style ears are quite pronounced, and can even have the earlobes be kind of big. Mongolian accent. When respected, wear little bits of broken weaponry or armor as jewelry or good luck charms.

Oblivion-style legs, slit-eyes in all the colors of the rainbow, nails like claws, big sharp teeth, spiny backs and tails. However, they should be more angular, if that makes sense. They don't so much walk across the ground as they do... shift. Not overly muscular; think monitor lizard as the bulkiest an Argonian can possibly be. Scale color can be any combination of the primary colors. Scale textures depends on background (smooth like a snake, rough like a crocodile, spiky like a bearded dragon, etc.) The spines on their heads (which act like hair) will move around, depending on their mood. Kind of like the Khajiit cat ears. Voice is like a smooth, calming whisper, like an advanced kind of hiss. Have have webbing in between their clawed toes (yes, like lizard feet. Yes, they can wear boots and helmets.). Gills on the sides of the neck, for water-breathing. Pacific Islander accent.

Oblivion-style legs. Cat ears, whiskers, tail, cat nose, fangs, and so on. Fur color, length, and texture depends on background; brown, orange, white, black, gray, striped, dappled, whatever. Whisker length depends on age. Cat eyes, usually coming in shades of green and gold, but very rarely blue. Voice is a purring, kind of yowl-ish meow. Hands and feet are kind of... paw-like. They have the little pads, and stuff. And retractable nails. As Khajiit get older, they start developing a patch of white under the chin, on the throat, and front of the chest (like real cats!). Older males might have fuzzy beards. Eyes glow in the dark around light sources. Inuit accent.

Dwarves are stout, strong, and Scot-Irish, but you know that. Red or bronze hair, slightly tanned skin, brown eyes.

The Akaviri are freakin' snake people, man.

... How's that?

I agree with most of this with a few exceptions. I believe that Altmer usually have golden eyes; they happen to be very beautiful with pale blue eyes also. Absolutely like the idea of a Middle Eastern influence for Redguards--that might actually make me play one. I agree with most of what you said about Dunmer, but Dunmer like their piercings--lots of them, for both males and females. Also, I definitely want the Morrowind style legs back for Khajiit and Argonians. I could correct you about Dwarves and Akaviri, but you've already been corrected so no point. ;)
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:48 am

I would give a half essay on this... but I'm feeling lazy again. :P Basically, I want them all to look more wild.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:36 pm

Really late on this thread, but I'd like to see the contrast between Men and Mer quite distinct. Even in Morrowind, the racial difference between, what could really be described as the different sentient species (Men+Mer) was very subtle. Hopefully that changes a bit.

On the other hand, the difference between individual races among the two species should be more subtle, though from what I understand, the Orismer came around a bit more unnaturally than the rest of the mer, so they might be the odd-one out.

As for beast races, I never found myself liking them enough to care, though I thought at least the Argonians were much better in Morrowind than Oblivion.
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:36 am

I agree with most of this with a few exceptions. I believe that Altmer usually have golden eyes; they happen to be very beautiful with pale blue eyes also. Absolutely like the idea of a Middle Eastern influence for Redguards--that might actually make me play one. I agree with most of what you said about Dunmer, but Dunmer like their piercings--lots of them, for both males and females. Also, I definitely want the Morrowind style legs back for Khajiit and Argonians. I could correct you about Dwarves and Akaviri, but you've already been corrected so no point. ;)

Let's see... looking at Oblivion, Altmer can have blue, green, or brown eyes. In Morrowind, I think that had blue eyes. Don't remember in Daggerfall or Arena.

Alright, I messed up on those stupid dwarves. Never gonna hear the end of this, ha.

Oh, and... body hair. Humans, they have it, I know. And Khajiits, duh. But... do the mer? I don't remember seeing any Dunmer with beards... might've seen an orc with one.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:02 pm

I wouldn't mind seeing a race like Westly's Playable Dremora [Morrowind], horns optional.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:27 pm

Nords in skyrim in some places should be influenced by scottish people aswell as scandanavians as scottish people tend to be big and pale aswell maybe to the west they should have clans and wear war paint and to the east they should be more viking like.
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:46 pm

Skin goes from bronzed to a dark shade of brown. Eyes all kinds of brown. Hair is usually curly, sometimes done in dreadlocks if long enough. While tall as Nords and muscular, they are more lean and sinewy than the other races. Strong jaw. The wealthier Redguards may have fancy ear or nose piercings. Accent is a combination of north-central African, Indian, and Middle Eastern.

Reading through your suggestions again: I would really love to see this potentially rich cultural amalgamation African, Indian and Middle Eastern as their basis; but there's another flavor that I cannot shake off my head about them, especially since "Redguard" (the adventure game)... It is this particular tinge of a mix between the lively naval exploration-age Spanish/Portuguese with a very Moorish flamboyance. That would suit their indomitable nature quite perfectly in my opinion.

And about the Altmer... People seem to had quite the right idea there about their appearance, but some real-world cultural inspiration that they could take a cue from and mutate into their very own, is an eastern element from Asia. The very eastern-looking intricate motifs on the Orcish armor was said to be Aldmeri-influenced after all. But it is not the far-east side of the continent that I'm particularly talking about, though; instead, it is the ornate, very golden-tinged southeastern part of the continent. I don't think that we've seen an elven culture in modern popular media being presented with the exotic flavor of Cambodia, Thailand or the Indo-Malay and their neighboring areas yet, have we? That would be fresh. I'd even argue that http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b8/infinite0/Morrowind/Almalexia.jpg herself already looking plenty like some kind of a Thai goddess figure in Morrowind (Tribunal), and she's being said to be the only one from the Tribunal who kinda refuse to let go her Chimeri heritage. Plus, looking at the face of the http://images.uesp.net//4/4f/Altmer_official.jpg kind of reminiscent to a someone of a Malay/Thai descent, only with a narrower and elongated facial structure. And he wears a garb!
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:52 pm

Moorish... now that you say it, the 'flamboyance' that's always given to Redguards does kind of have that Spanish/Portuguese flair, doesn't it?

As for the Altmer, I don't see anything wrong with giving them an Asian peninsular accent. To me, the Orcs always had that central Asian-style rigid formality (hence the Mongolian accent I gave them).

Er, forgot one.

Taller, broader and more muscular than the Nords, Orcs and Redguards. Obsidian black skin, with natural red glowing swirly glyphs on their skin. The glyphs become more intricate and glow more as they get older. Hair ranging from obsidian black to a kind of ashen gray. Can have facial hair, but it's not very popular. Have two horns sticking out of the top of their foreheads, which get longer with age. Can also have horns coming from above the ear, coming out of the chin, or a unicorn-style one sticking from the forehead. What a Dremora's horns are like at birth are randomized, but like wisdom teeth, all five (or more) will grow in eventually, if they live long enough. Hair is wild and rough like wire, often bound into ponytails or loose braids. Sharp teeth. Pointed black nails. Eyes are completely black, except for a red glowing slit in the middle of the eyeball. Always seem to be scowling, but that's just the way their faces look; they can actually be very kind and merciful, and are a species big on tactics and the philosophies behind warfare. Voice is a deep, scratchy snarl, with the tiniest echo- the echo becomes more pronounced the older they get. Ears are kind of pointy, in both the tip and the lobe, but not too exaggerated. You'll notice that they have some pointy ridges on their spines, elbows, and knees as they get older.

Golden Saints... well, they look like how they did in Morrowind. Dark Seducers should just look like more interesting Daedra Seducers from Daggerfall.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:18 pm

I love Altmer, so when I'm playing one, I prefer not to sound like some old china-man when I'm being shanked, especially when dragon shouts come along, it just isn't right. I like how they sounded in Morrowind, they sounded like noble knights, and the women sounded like brit-snobs. Yes, they do have Asian influence, but that doesn't mean they have to sound like it.
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:40 pm


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helen buchan
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:49 pm

scanning visual memory banks.........match found.

like this?


Hmmm...quite the interesting concept indeed. If Bosmer look like that in Skyrim, you can sign me up for one right now! ;) I'll keep this discreet so you don't get your post removed, but I think the details to be a little off the traditional TES clothing standards.

Btw, what else do you happen to have in those "memory banks" of yours??
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Post » Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:21 am


The Chinese (Mandarin) accents don't have to be over the damn top in a stereotypical way. Just a normal Chinese accent.
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:49 pm

In response to that huge list, I agree with most of that Khajiit stuff. I'm hoping the leg shape is more humanoid and not like the crazy Morrowind legs.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:06 am

Hmmm...quite the interesting concept indeed. If Bosmer look like that in Skyrim, you can sign me up for one right now! ;) I'll keep this discreet so you don't get your post removed, but I think the details to be a little off the traditional TES clothing standards.

Btw, what else do you happen to have in those "memory banks" of yours??

....no data available
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:07 pm

Orcs need to be bigger, meaner, and maybe less green (more of a dark caucasian skin colour with a distinct green tint).

Redguards are fine, but need better haircuts and should look more diverse (they all looked literally the same in Oblivion).

Breton should be more slender and lanky, with long hands and fingers and a very "pure" European appearance.

Imperial should just be the real basic caucasians. Somewhat rough, but more civilised that the Nords.

Nords should have broader features, and be generally a lot more stocky. They should also have heavy facial features, giving them a serious look.

Dark Elves should be like the first and third ones in the OP. They should appear more Elven.

Argonians should be more lizard-like, and have a wirey build like a small lizard, being very thin and weavy. They should have the same feet as in Morrowind and have claws and webbed hands. They should also swim faster than other races.

Khajiit should be a lot stonger and sturdy in appearance. They should also run faster than the other races.

High Elves should be less smug.

Bosmer should be more savage and agile, with slender features and sharp teeth.
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Sandeep Khatkar
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