What the races should look like in your opinion

Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:45 am

Wow, many people want generic fantasy races.

As opposed to what? Humans with painted skin?

Yeah, I want fantasy races that look like FANTASY races.

I don't want Orcs walking around in slacks and a t-shirt who work at bookstore, that's incredibly stupid.

Time to grow up and accept the fact that orcs and argonians and khajit should not just be walking around in normal society and working at shops in cities full of elves and humans. They should be tribal, and in the orcs case, they should be brutish and barbarian like, not working at some tavern in the Imperial City.
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Post » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:01 pm

Imperials should look more like the romans that they emulate, with the high nose bridges, short cropped hair and darkly tanned skin that goes with it. The best references I can think of to use are some of their busts:
I'd like to see some Germanic and Scandinavian characteristics in Nords like lots of fair hair and pale eye and skin tones, maybe even slightly freckly. They should have really robust physiques and very large, wide faces with spaced out eyes. Kirsten dunst is the perfect example of what a nord girl's face should be shaped like:
Thats what I think! :)
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Post » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:59 pm

I would like the orcs to look like the Uruk-hai in Lord of the Rings, but green instead of black
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:13 am

As opposed to what? Humans with painted skin?

Yeah, I want fantasy races that look like FANTASY races.

I don't want Orcs walking around in slacks and a t-shirt who work at bookstore, that's incredibly stupid.

Time to grow up and accept the fact that orcs and argonians and khajit should not just be walking around in normal society and working at shops in cities full of elves and humans. They should be tribal, and in the orcs case, they should be brutish and barbarian like, not working at some tavern in the Imperial City.

I don't know, it works in Anhk-Morpork.
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:56 am







I agree the most with these 3
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:51 am

They should look like not humans in makeup.

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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:03 am

Firstly, I'd like to see each race have it's own unique way of moving and standing, not just one mesh and animation for everyone that's modified slightly. Nords and Orcs should swagger, Altmer should hold their heads up high regally (or snootily), Bosmer should look light on their feet, Khajiit and Argonians should slink and sidle everywhere. Also there should be various types of clothes to fit with the various races' cultures. We've seen the stuff the trailer guy is wearing, and that looks good, but I also want elegant robes for an Altmer mage or a flashy outfit for a Redguard pirate/mercenary. Or a Buhdi. I don't even know what that is, only that it's a traditional Khajiit shirt. :/

Guess I'll copy the OP and go race-by-race with the details of what I'm hoping for:


Breton: I feel like they should be more elfish. I know that in the lore they're no different from any other human race aside from their magical ability, but I think there should be a bit more difference for the sake of style and ease of recognition. It doesn't have to be drastic, just make them more thin and "magical looking" to make them different from Imperials. I was always confused whether or not certain NPCs were Imperial or Breton. You could tell by the voices with the men, but the women were almost indistinguishable. I'd like to be able to tell at a glance what I might be up against in a dungeon is all. An Imperial would just rush at me, but a Breton can use Dragon Skin and will probably cast spells.

Imperial: In Oblivion these guys seemed like they were the "standard white guy" race. While Bretons or Dunmer are the race that most new players should start with as their skills are pretty good for whatever you'd be doing, they also have their own niche and had a game to introduce their culture in their home province. Aside from the odd hail and a few lines about the Emperor or Divines from certain NPCs, Imperials don't feel like anything special to me. I'd kind of like it if they were to stand out on their own instead of being the jack of all trades and master of none. Personally, I noticed a lot of them looked like a few Aussies and Kiwis I know. Lore-wise Cyrodiil is supposed to be mostly forest and jungle and has mountains, so that sounds a lot like New Zealand to me. I'm not saying to turn them into something completely different from what they've been, but give them a more unique feel. Their powers make them seem like they're supposed to be attractive and charming and good at combat, so I guess have a design and personality that reflects that.

Nord: I like how they seem to be in the game already. Big, muscly, sons and daughters of the North. Now that there are going to be beards and face tattoos and stuff, I've got nothing to add.

Redguard: I think there's not much to do with them. They're pretty much an amalgam of Middle Eastern, African, and Native American (right? >_> ), so I think a design that includes dark hair and bronze or deeply tanned skin would be good. So basically keep what they were going for in the previous games.


Altmer: For the most part I didn't have much against the Altmer in Oblivion. Aside from their attitude, but this is about the looks. I guess if they were even more lanky and elongated, almost like the Guado from FF10.

Bosmer: I hated the Bosmer in Oblivion. So annoying. Which svcks because in lore they're supposed to be capable and really quite dangerous hunters. A player could choose to dress their wood elf in appropriate clothes, but the NPCs are the trouble. Aside from Honditar or Daenlin there are no "woodsy" wood elves in the game that I remember. The biggest problem was their voice and I hear the actors are changing a bit. So I'm hopeful for them I guess.

Dunmer: I'd like to see a return to the ashy skin tone. That's pretty much it.

Orsimer: The only change I can think of would be for them to be massive and muscular, and also somewhat deformed in appearance. They're supposed to be corrupted elves though, so making them use the same body mesh as elves at their base would be a nice touch. Just beef everything up and put on a different head. I'd also like some customizarions like bone fragment piercings, tattoos, maybe some scarification. I've seen some stuff where the teeth are sharpened down into fangs, and where the skin is scored with cuts to leave scars that resemble alligator skin. I could see the Orcs having pain threshold testing habits like that.


Argonian: I think they should be more lizard-like. They should have a more reptilian body shape and be thin and graceful. They'd have to have a completely different body mesh than men/mer or Khajiits. I guess something like [src="http://www.deviantart.com/download/52062904/Iguana_Monk_by_Nimrond.jpg"][this] would be good.

Khajiit: These are my favorite race, so I feel the most strongly about them looking perfect. Firstly, please no Morrowind legs. It just really bugs me. I know a bit about anatomy, and digitigrade legs just don't work on bipedal creatures, at least not something that's similar to humanoid. We're plantigrade for a reason. That reason being that our toes can't support our full weight all on their own. Khajiit seem lighter though, so there could be a few allowances. Their lower legs would have to be thicker to stabilize the leg and the foot would have to be wider to make up for the lack of a heel. Also their thighs, pelvis, and torso would have to have a different configuration. Something more solid would be best, while keeping as close to their wiry stereotype as possible. I think they should have claws like a cat and different skull/neck shape like the werejaguar pic a few posts back. Like those pictures, they can be more muscular and thick without losing their appearance of being quick and fast.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:45 am

Yeah make the breton more distinguishable.
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Solène We
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:25 am

I get the feeling too many people want the run-of-the-mill same ol' same races from other IPs. I don't like this sentiment. It's completely unimaginative, and I suggest you go somewhere else to fulfill your desires of the same ol' story.

Personally, I find the Morrowind concept art of the races to be the best idea.

Imperial (Colovian):

Something within the Daggerfall design

If it's going to be the Suthay-Rahts again, a more feline version of OB's. They should not be jacked or look like a tiger, that's for the Cathay/Cathay-Raht variety, and there's enough fighter races as is. If it's going to be the Ohmes-Raht, bring back the Daggerfall design.

They need to look like the combination of an Altmer and a Colovian, or an Imperial with merrish features.

Bosmer (Wood elves):
Like Pan would be ideal, but with people legs. Females are still taller.

Keep it in the Morrowind and Daggerfall set of mind. But, from what I've seen so far, I like.

Orsimer (orcs):
http://www.imperial-library.info/sites/default/files/races_mw_orc.gif. None of this Warcraft, LotR, and Warhammer stuff.

I don't want them to be red again with green lips. I personally like the design they had in Daggerfall, Redguard, and Morrowind.

Also, orcs are not idiots. Savage, yes, but not stupid. In fact, of the fighting races, they have the highest intelligence (well, at least the females. Males have as much intelligence as the redguards and nords).
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:03 pm

I would like the orcs to look like the Uruk-hai in Lord of the Rings, but green instead of black
Redesigning TES orcs to be more in line with ones that were creating strictly to be servants of evil wouldn't really be a great design choice.
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:33 am

I get the feeling too many people want the run-of-the-mill same ol' same races from other IPs. I don't like this sentiment. It's completely unimaginative, and I suggest you go somewhere else to fulfill your desires of the same ol' story.

Personally, I find the Morrowind concept art of the races to be the best idea.

Imperial (Colovian):

Something within the Daggerfall design

If it's going to be the Suthay-Rahts again, a more feline version of OB's. They should not be jacked or look like a tiger, that's for the Cathay/Cathay-Raht variety, and there's enough fighter races as is. If it's going to be the Ohmes-Raht, bring back the Daggerfall design.

They need to look like the combination of an Altmer and a Colovian, or an Imperial with merrish features.

Bosmer (Wood elves):
Like Pan would be ideal, but with people legs. Females are still taller.

Keep it in the Morrowind and Daggerfall set of mind. But, from what I've seen so far, I like.

Orsimer (orcs):
http://www.imperial-library.info/sites/default/files/races_mw_orc.gif. None of this Warcraft, LotR, and Warhammer stuff.

I don't want them to be red again with green lips. I personally like the design they had in Daggerfall, Redguard, and Morrowind.

Also, orcs are not idiots. Savage, yes, but not stupid. In fact, of the fighting races, they have the highest intelligence (well, at least the females. Males have as much intelligence as the redguards and nords).

Hellmouth I always rely on you for great opinions your like a lore god :P
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:08 am

I don't want Orcs walking around in slacks and a t-shirt who work at bookstore, that's incredibly stupid.

Time to grow up and accept the fact that orcs and argonians and khajit should not just be walking around in normal society and working at shops in cities full of elves and humans. They should be tribal, and in the orcs case, they should be brutish and barbarian like, not working at some tavern in the Imperial City.

Why the hell should they not be?

Why the hell should they be?

This isn't LoTR, Orcs are mer, they are called Orsimer.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:44 am

Why the hell should they not be?

Why the hell should they be?

This isn't LoTR, Orcs are mer, they are called Orsimer.

Huh? they're intelligent enough to do so so why not?
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:12 am

Some epic stuff, damn that Kerem Beyit can make it happen...
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:28 pm

Huh? they're intelligent enough to do so so why not?

I don't know whether you are talking to me or the person that I was quoting. :confused:
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Kim Kay
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:25 am

I don't know whether you are talking to me or the person that I was quoting. :confused:

Ahhh soz dude the person your qouting. I agree with you
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:56 am

Why the hell should they not be?

Why the hell should they be?

This isn't LoTR, Orcs are mer, they are called Orsimer.
Well....Tolkien's orcs are also elves, but TES elves are not Tolkien's elves, and should remain separate.

(To everyone else) The orsimer are outcasts, uglies, and forced to live a savage life. This is what orsimer means, pariah-folk. They're not idiots. They have survived nearly 4000 years of constant genocidal attacks from the bretons and redguards. They know how to fashion weapons and armor with such amazing skill, it puts the civilized nations smith's to shame. They have an undying spirit, and the endurance to roam the harshest of territories in north west Tamriel. They may not be the strongest (that goes to nords and male redguards), but each and everyone orsimer are still stronger than most races.
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:36 am

Well....Tolkien's orcs are also elves, but TES elves are not Tolkien's elves, and should remain separate.

(To everyone else) The orsimer are outcasts, uglies, and forced to live a savage life. This is what orsimer means, pariah-folk. They're not idiots. They have survived nearly 4000 years of constant genocidal attacks from the bretons and redguards. They know how to fashion weapons and armor with such amazing skill, it puts the civilized nations smith's to shame. They have an undying spirit, and the endurance to roam the harshest of territories in north west Tamriel. They may not be the strongest (that goes to nords and male redguards), but each and everyone orsimer are still stronger than most races.

Wow I would have thought Orcs would have been the strongest of the races especially with the beserk ability?
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:18 am

That doesn't count, otherwise we'll have to include all other racial abilities. And look at the stats on MW and OB for each race. Orcs have 45 str and 50 endurance for both sixes. Nords have 50 str and 50 end for males, 40 end for females. Redguards have 50 str and 50 end for males, 40 str for females.
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:55 am

That doesn't count, otherwise we'll have to include all other racial abilities. And look at the stats on MW and OB for each race. Orcs have 45 str and 50 endurance for both sixes. Nords have 50 str and 50 end for males, 40 end for females. Redguards have 50 str and 50 end for males, 40 str for females.

I think that will change in Skyrim,It seems wrong
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:42 am

what, that orcs aren't the strongest beings? I'm fine with that, they're made more for taking hits than dealing them (redguards are for that). Nords are a balance between defense and offense.
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Richus Dude
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:53 am

I have a feeling the races are going to look awesome. The high elf in the bar/assassination scene has the perfect amount of alien/regal quality I wanted to see in an altmer.

Just please ... no blue dunmer. They should look ashen. And bosmer should go back to having black eyes.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:41 am

Just please ... no blue dunmer. They should look ashen. And bosmer should go back to having black eyes.
Of the screenies out, I think the dunmer are back to having ash colored skin, something I deeply approve of. And yes, the bosmer need to have their completely black eyes back.
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:39 am

Yes i agree the black eyes make them more animal like :)
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:04 am

As opposed to what? Humans with painted skin?

Yeah, I want fantasy races that look like FANTASY races.

I don't want Orcs walking around in slacks and a t-shirt who work at bookstore, that's incredibly stupid.

Time to grow up and accept the fact that orcs and argonians and khajit should not just be walking around in normal society and working at shops in cities full of elves and humans. They should be tribal, and in the orcs case, they should be brutish and barbarian like, not working at some tavern in the Imperial City.

Ugh NO.

I get so tired of the "animal races must be tribal barbarians" nonsense that pops up in so many fantasy settings. Please no, that's so overdone it's sickening to me. The same goes for Orcs. I get so tired of the same tired clichés and I'm glad TES doesn't fall into this trap. It's almost racist design, suggesting you can't be more than your race. I can't express how much I hate that kind of design. I have this reaction to "this race should look more angry too," what as if the race is angry all the time all day long? Sure if they look more bestial when angry that makes sense, but please no cookie cutter permanent scowls. That doesn't even make sense, especially for the beast races, as if animals are never content, happy, or affectionate. Cats for example have far more body language than simply angry. Oblivion actually does this pretty well with Khajiit ears in the personality minigame. They are animals so they must be primitive... with anger! No thanks. I know you did not say that about the beast races, but it's a very common thing to see and I'm not fond of it. I'm very happy TES shies away from that kind of thing.

I don't mind how the races look in Oblivion, but I wouldn't mind some more individuality. None of this extreme cliché every member of a race is a cookie cutter carbon copy of a walking stereotype though, please. For the Khajiit and Argonians I'd like something mostly like Oblivion but with individualized hands/feet, rather than spray painted human hands/feet. That oft posted Argonian concept image looks good in my opinion, even though it's not detailed.

I'm really looking forward to see what they did with the races this time.
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