I dont see the problem here of Female characters being sixy, the Male characters are also sixy :angel: :angel: :angel:
Snake, for example he is sixy, I mean, look his outfit
And Gordon Freeman with their glasses :drool: :drool:
Well, I dont have Western male character examples, most of the are from Japanese games (where most of them looks too nice. both male and female)
(Oh yeah, Im BI, By the way)
Sure female characters in games can be sixy. I find Zoey in L4D sixy for example, but Valve hasn't made her a typical action photo model, with big boobs and a suit so tight that it chafe. It's also very stereotypical to put girls in a sixy role, and men in a muscular heroic role, and I like neither. I don't like the sixual objectification

It's a reason why I haven't ever touched Mass Effect 1 or 2 - beside it being a high-tech sci-fi game (I like dirty ones like SC1 and Fallout) the commercials and covers for both games involve some typical heroic muscular male character and some female character in the background with a really slimmed outfit. I can't take games like that seriously, if it's not for actually making fun of these types of characters

Like in L4D how Francis is some big, muscular guy, but he's pretty stupid aswell.
And yeah, I can think men and women in video games (and real life of course, duh) are sixy, but that's not why I play games and it should not be the first thing I think of when I see the game cover or the character in-game. The engine Fallout is on now is kinda good. I mean, you can't really make sixy faces in the face gen, and the body models are pretty average.