I chose "Bug Support/Technical Issues" because although I agree that all aspects could use "polishing", as moosa stated, but I don't particularly hate anything about TES... except one thing that is driving me madder than a hatter without a tea party!
I've done 2different character run-throughs in Oblivion (with mods and without), tried going back to Morrowind (I'm about midway through with this new character), Fallout: 3 but have only finished the main quest even though I have the GOTY edition (bought strictly becuz it's a Beth game, not typically my genre), finished first 2 Fables, working on Fable 3 (slowly), and I'm not sure what to try next to fill my gaming time. It's started snowing here today so my horsey habit is on hiatus (except for the whole feeding/grooming/caring for them thing), I do work a full-time job, keep house, etc. but when I need brain-dead time, I sure would like a NEW TES game.
It seems that Bethesda has forgotten all about TES when the game was really what made them... 2yrs between TES 1 & 2, 6yrs between 2 & 3, 4yrs between 3 & 4, and now we are 4+yrs with not even announcement of development (that I'm aware of, I could be totally wrong). With Fallout, they had 2yrs in between Fallout 3 and New Vegas and there were expansion packs!!

All the TES V speculation may just be useless... we'll probably see 2 more Fallouts and a couple new games before we see TES V, if ever.

( Sad panda. :banghead:
Ok, I'm done now. Life svcks.