What's the thing you hate the most with Beth games

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:10 pm

Yeah I really hope they go back to the interface they had in Morrowind (but not the journal). It was so much easier to deal with my inventory with the interface in Morrowind than it is in Oblivion or Fallout 3. But considering Morrowind's interface would probably be a little slow to navigate with a controller, it'd be nice if we got a separate interface for PC and consoles, designed specifically for the platform they're on.


Except for that. Most options in the poll should be done much better in future games. I'm kinda satisfied with graphics and expansions.

I voted for the combat system, as I really think it needs to be changed.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:10 pm

I figured the levelling system would be a no brainer, although there are many modders who have fixed this issue. I'm hoping for an upgraded animation system - something to make the game a little more cinematic (an argument for another thread - leave it alone immersionists!) I would like to see some mocap implemented to flesh out the characters a bit. TES always seems like a Disneyworld ride to me. The characters move enough to fulfill their role but have very little life to them. Everyone swings a sword the same way, everyone runs, punches, falls etc the same way. More variety.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:41 am

They didn't develop that, they published it. :whisper:

Oops true true, guess i shoulda dug a bit more before including that.. I guess I just assumed since it was so good it had to be developed by Bethesda.
At least I did not include Fallout New Vegas although that is a great game aswell :) and they fixxed a lot of the things I disliked in Fallout 3
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Nicholas C
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:05 am

The Storyline for oblivion was terrible, I like finished it and thought... Is this it? I save the kingdom and I get some armour.. Then the animations aren't great either, I would also like if my character could sit down and drink or eat? Wouldn't it be awesome if some meetings were done over dinner Or if every character including your own didnt do the same attack animations over and over. . Something for the imagination of beth.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:17 pm

I'll go with animation - please let me sit down - you make me run all over your worlds trying to immerse me in them - I just want to sit down
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sexy zara
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:19 pm

There's no way to not make this insulting so I'll just say it, Beth has got to have some of the worst writers for rpg's that still produce high quality games. Oblivion was as bad as the generic Euro pcrpg's that come out all the time (Gothic, Drakengsang, whatever). Fallout 3 wasn't much better. Hell, their worldbuilders are ten times better at making implicit stories than their writers.
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Sammie LM
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:48 pm


If there is ANYTHING I want out of a game (other than good gameplay), its good, flowing gameplay brought to me through good, flowing animations.

The animations in just about every TES game are blocky, awkward, slow, and forced. They're so blocky that they make me feel as though the game is slower. Not only do the animations themselves frustrate me, but their "transitions". For example, in Fallout 3, I would often find myself attempting to fire my gun, then the game would immediately switch to my character unjamming his weapon. Its such a jarring switch that it caused me to not even realize what was going on. There needs to both be smooth animations AND smooth flow between animations to allow the user to have a clear grasp of what is going on.

Not to mention we could use NPCs without sticks up their arses.

I'll go with animation - please let me sit down - you make me run all over your worlds trying to immerse me in them - I just want to sit down

But...you can sit down in Oblivion and Fallout 3.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:23 pm

Bethesda's writing definitely could improve in regards to their main quests, I wont disagree on that, but their games do feature a lot of smaller instances of great writing.


-The bobblehead that says "Isn't it funny how everything you get close to ends up leaving?"
-The skeleton named "Mom" with the bobblehead that says "Blech. If my kid looked like that, I'd abandon it too."
-The corpses of Amata, Elder Lyons, and Moira (the people you had the most interactions with) floating in the water that disintegrate when you click on them.
-The bobblehead that says "Dead mother, life in a post-nuclear Wasteland and not a friend in it. Yeah, you're not exactly blessed."
-The the Megaton Nuke going off as you wake up.

It was a really great look at how the silent protagonist must feel going through all that they did during the game, and a good example of how Bethesda can come up with some great writing if they try.
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:04 pm

Bethesda's writing definitely could improve in regards to their main quests, I wont disagree on that, but their games do feature a lot of smaller instances of great writing.

This. Even their more acclaimed games such as Daggerfall and Morrowind have pretty basic plots if you were to summarize them - but it's all of the interesting details and the presentation as you progress through the plot that really make those games breathtaking. Moments like blackmailing Helseth and relying upon Ashlander landmarks to find locations were really clever and well-developed.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:47 pm

For me, its the same two problems: First, constant Crash-To-Desktop bugs that can become unbelievably frustrating. This has, as far as I can tell, existed since Morrowind. Its especially funny cause daggerfall (maybe redguard?) was praised for having like, virtually no bugs, and Bethesda folks said it was their aim to reduce it even more for morriwnd >_> hehehe. The other is the anti-climactic nature of the end of the Main Quest. Morrowind, though a phenomenal game..Well..We all remember what we thought when we first saw Dagoth Ur, so theres no need to go into that here. Even worse, in oblivion you just feel like a spectator, with more errand runs and broken NPC pathing through doors. Astoundingly fallout 3, yet again, does even worse in this regard. Until Broken Steel, I dont think anyone cared much for the ending.

The fallout 3 has another biiig problem: Once you go past level 20, if you played right you'll have all but 2-3 of your skills maxed out.
My final problem is in the difficulty of the games. In Oblivion and Fallout 3, if you turn the dial up to Very Hard, you take like, six times more damage. In Oblivion, this amounts to magic attacks causing instant death. The trouble being, that the Normal difficulty is absurdly easy for the most part. My favorite anology is with Parasite Eve 2: Oblivion and Fallout act like playing Nightmare Mode without having to learn how to survive it. You just die, and the game becomes not about winning, but about avoiding the many, many, many oneshots coming your way.
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Killah Bee
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:54 am

I really had a problem thinking of anything I really hated with Bethesda's games... I suppose it was the lack of voice diversity (e.g. every Orc only had 2 or three voices).

What I really hope they keep from TES is the leveling system. I loved the fact that you improved skills by actually using them, what a concept! I think that's one thing I really miss in the latest Fallout releases.

For the record I despise level caps as it kills my sense of continued learning and improvement. I would like to see a modified scaling system, where you can't be assured of surviving any dungeon at level 1, but still have some challenges at level 50.
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:41 pm

Hmm... Its weird how everyone dislikes the voice actors. I mean, its not Uncharted 2, but the voice work is solid. Although, yes it does lack in variety.

Animation is my choice though. But... I do find it funny how bad they are :laugh:

Problem was that voices changed from one sentence to the next, the beggar lady in marked district is probably the worst of them as she has a very old woman voice for her personal speak and default for rumours and general speech. Actually better to reduce the number of voice actors to avoid it.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:28 am

Its especially funny cause daggerfall (maybe redguard?) was praised for having like, virtually no bugs, and Bethesda folks said it was their aim to reduce it even more for morriwnd >_> hehehe.

"Buggerfall" may have been an incredibly unstable game upon its release, but to this day I've gotten far more crashes and lockups from Morrowind and Oblivion than Daggerfall.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:34 pm

Bethesda's writing definitely could improve in regards to their main quests, I wont disagree on that, but their games do feature a lot of smaller instances of great writing.


-The bobblehead that says "Isn't it funny how everything you get close to ends up leaving?"
-The skeleton named "Mom" with the bobblehead that says "Blech. If my kid looked like that, I'd abandon it too."
-The corpses of Amata, Elder Lyons, and Moira (the people you had the most interactions with) floating in the water that disintegrate when you click on them.
-The bobblehead that says "Dead mother, life in a post-nuclear Wasteland and not a friend in it. Yeah, you're not exactly blessed."
-The the Megaton Nuke going off as you wake up.

It was a really great look at how the silent protagonist must feel going through all that they did during the game, and a good example of how Bethesda can come up with some great writing if they try.

Dear lord, I never knew that was there.

The quality of the placement and effects was really great. The saw, exploding nuka cola quantums (along with the sounds that randomly played), the needle and thread, the upside down area, etc. Wow, that was really, really well done.

Reminds me of the Viking burial room in Morrowind (or the place in Mournhold with the waterfall and the daedric pauldron and all that stuff, or the ashlander's sacred burial site with the mummified corpses all over the place); Bethesda can create some very striking images if they put the effort into it. They've shown it before. I'd like to see that kind of effort put into all the areas in the game, although I don't think that is a realistic expectation.

But hey, a boy can dream, can't he?
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:18 am

Actually better to reduce the number of voice actors to avoid it.

Gods, no. There are only 15 voice actors, total, in the entire game. Five of them only voice one single character. That leaves 10 voice actors to voice the rest of the game. The same two actors do all of the voices for Argonians and Khajiits. I can't imagine reducing that to an even smaller number.

Voice actors simply make their voices a little more gravely when it is time to record beggar lines. Limiting the number of voice actors is not going to make beggar voices blend in better.

This can be done - if the developer wants to take the care to do it right. Bioware managed to make most of the emotional transitions found in branching dialogs relatively seamless in Dragon Age, while using many, many more voice actors than Bethesda did for Oblivion. Even they screwed up occasionally. There's a glaring oversight in Redcliffe where the player can trigger "excited" dialog from Teagan that sounds disorientingly different from his voice before or afterward.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:17 am

The only important element on the games for me is the game-play, so I voted for the leveling, I have enjoyed RPG games that were text based and had no sound and had almost no story or UI, but with a great game-play they were enjoyable for me.

The leveling for these games could be a lot smoother, and should not have forced the players to revert to power-gaming to gain the best level-up factors.

That's why I made "Pure Immersion" for Oblivion.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:52 pm

I hate the lighting.
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:20 pm

As other have said there is nothing I hate about Bethesda games, they are among my favourite. There are things that I would like to see done better and that would be animations and lighting/shadow effects. Bethesda needs James Benson to show them a thing or two about first person animations. This is his most recent work: http://epicbattleaxe.com/a-half-life-tech-demo-worth-watching/
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:41 am

Everything could use some polishing but yeah, TES games were never big on animations. Oblivion saw an improvement but it's still lacking. I want the next TES game to have a world worth exploring, unique dungeons with a little back-story to most of them with little secrets hidden here and there would go a long way. Exploring new areas is probably my favorite part of open-ended games.

I guess I don't specifically hate anything but I've never been fond of Vampirism so perhaps bethesda could do a better job to make it appeal more to non-twilight fans. :P
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:53 pm

This. Even their more acclaimed games such as Daggerfall and Morrowind have pretty basic plots if you were to summarize them - but it's all of the interesting details and the presentation as you progress through the plot that really make those games breathtaking. Moments like blackmailing Helseth and relying upon Ashlander landmarks to find locations were really clever and well-developed.

Any plot is basic if you summarise it enough.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:54 pm

Animation. They've never been great at those.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:25 pm

My main gripe with Bethesda games?

They eventually end...

Of course then you make fun things to do in the game. My last character was spec'ed to never fight, just used a combo of frenzy, summoning and invisibility.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:03 pm

The things I hate the most are the waits..and the fact that at a certain point you complete all the quests and expansions and feel empty inside.

Lately, the bugs and glitches have been a problem.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:46 pm

I chose "Bug Support/Technical Issues" because although I agree that all aspects could use "polishing", as moosa stated, but I don't particularly hate anything about TES... except one thing that is driving me madder than a hatter without a tea party!


I've done 2different character run-throughs in Oblivion (with mods and without), tried going back to Morrowind (I'm about midway through with this new character), Fallout: 3 but have only finished the main quest even though I have the GOTY edition (bought strictly becuz it's a Beth game, not typically my genre), finished first 2 Fables, working on Fable 3 (slowly), and I'm not sure what to try next to fill my gaming time. It's started snowing here today so my horsey habit is on hiatus (except for the whole feeding/grooming/caring for them thing), I do work a full-time job, keep house, etc. but when I need brain-dead time, I sure would like a NEW TES game.

It seems that Bethesda has forgotten all about TES when the game was really what made them... 2yrs between TES 1 & 2, 6yrs between 2 & 3, 4yrs between 3 & 4, and now we are 4+yrs with not even announcement of development (that I'm aware of, I could be totally wrong). With Fallout, they had 2yrs in between Fallout 3 and New Vegas and there were expansion packs!! :(

All the TES V speculation may just be useless... we'll probably see 2 more Fallouts and a couple new games before we see TES V, if ever. :(( Sad panda. :banghead:

Ok, I'm done now. Life svcks.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:35 pm

My vote goes to the nonsensical, arbitrary, and highly exploitable leveling system.

I will be truly unhappy if it returns in TES V. Why not just switch to a GCD style? This will not only fix many of the problems in the current system, it will also re-emphasize roleplaying, too. It's been done for both Morrowind and Oblivion, so it surely isn't THAT hard.
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