Can you direct me to where Todd said it, please?
Edit: I know about the circumstances of how Pete said it, and it is no proof, and IMHO just a misunderstanding, but Todd is a different story.
Pretty sure it's in the GI podcast interview. It's the same one where he talks about the theoretical maximum level being unknown but estimated it in the 70's. Let me pop over to The Nexus(threads aren't deleted so quickly there) and grab a quote from
49:14 Explain how the leveling system works, particularly in relation to the maximum level. What your philosophy is toward that, how long can you level in the game, when does it become basically impossible to level, etc.
"We don't code in a maximum level. There is a theoretical maximum depending on what your skills are. The one change we've made is that you level faster. We've sort of balanced Oblivion and Fallout 3 in some respects to like a 1 - 35, 1 - 30, so if people play for a long time that's the kind of high level with creatures and whatever. This one is balanced like 1 - 50, but that isn't longer in gameplay. You do level faster, a lot faster, especially in the beginning of the game. Because of the power in the perks, we wanted to be giving them out at a higher rate. The actual maximum depending on your particular character how it works out might be 75. I don't really know. I'm just saying we don't code in the maximum level. It will end up whatever it ends up."
"(Perks being more fun) It's the thing you're always shooting for. Even 1 - 50 it slows down a lot as you play. If you assume there's 200 hours of content, you can sort of figure out, 'how often do I get to level?' We think we can balance that with the perks. That's what happened. We did the perks, and we figured out quickly, 'oh, to make these work, we need to be leveling faster.' And it is more fun."
Now if you couple that comment with his "soft cap" comment found in the GI article
and Pete's confirmation on twitter then yeah it is what it is.