Also though you get more health it's insignificant at such high levels when vampire lords get no armor. My human character is WAY more durable than vampire lord.
Really the only reason I will remain a vampire is from all the perks you get with necromage. All Enchantments are stronger, virtually all conjuration and cloak spells have longer duration, shouts are stronger, illusion spells are stronger to the point where Mayhem (awesome spell) affects almost everything, even my restoration spells heal 25% stronger (I've confirmed grand healing does 375 instead when you're a vampire).
But Vampire lord seems to make me weaker now. Don't get me wrong I know it's more suitable for other areas since you can move and avoid melee opponents easier, but frankly I think I'm still as strong or stronger in my human form even in the best scenerio I laid out to fight as a vampire lord.
Anyone have thoughts on this?