Seriously, what's wrong with Cliff Racers? In all my play, I come across one at a time, and they are dealt with swiftly. Mind you, I'm level 2. I don't see any of this "cliff racer swarming" I hear so much about.
Keep playing, my friend, keep playing.

It's not that they're 'difficult', it's that they're obnoxious to deal with, and
relentless. You kill one (or 3), walk 30', and the battle music starts anew--they just grated on your nerves after a while. My policy was always to kill 'em with fire. Good way to train your distruction.
Or, levitate so high they couldn't see you. That was another favorite tactic.
That said, the cliff racer thing was sort of a joke. I enjoy most aspects of the game, and while some things like combat could use some improved animations and such, they didn't make me want to tear my hair out. Cliffracers and CTDs, however, did. Hence my overwrought dramatics on the matter. XD