1. the way fatigue "works"- hand-to-hand reduces fatigue (stamina) until you collapse and only THEN does physical damage. HAH! You never been punched in the mouth or kicked in the teeth? Broken teeth, bleeding nose, adrenaline rush? Certainly not feeling tired! And how come I can run and jump everywhere with zero fatigue points? I should collapse exhusted to the ground, where, in Daggerfall, I could get killed by a wandering monster before I woke up! And how come I can go without sleep for weeks at a time and just wait for 24 hours over and over and over again without sleeping while selling my loot to Creeper or the Mud Crab. BAH! What a crock in an otherwise superb game! I should either go psychotic or just collapse exhausted and get arrested for vagrancy. Very odd.
2. the way Mercantile works - as your skill increases, they offer you LESS money! Sure, you can haggle and bump it up all the more, and that is what improves your skill, selling for 1 gp more than they offer or buying for 1 gp less than they ask, but it's a pain when they offer so little and ask so much and you're not sure how much to haggle the price up or down.
So, I'd like to ask two things, does anyone know how the mechanics of Fatigue and Mercantile work?
Are there any mods to make them wortk "properly" (that is, the way I'd like them to work, IE, properly)?
Anyone else got any pet peeves?