>Special FEV mutant
>Tree growing out of his head
>"You still hear mention of Harold from time to time. Apparently, the tree growing from his head has gotten larger, and if rumors are to be believed, fruit is growing from it. The seeds are said to remarkably tough, and several of them have taken root even in the most barren stretches of the wasteland." ~ Chris Avellone
>Tree starts growing sometime after Fallout 2
>Starts producing fruit that grow in even the worst patches of wasteland
>Implying the tree wouldn't be consumed be the tree at one point and start a forest or something with his special FEV plant seeds.
Its the logical conclusion of his character. I assumed he would eventually turn into such a thing even when I played Fallout 1.
Its the reverse of Legion actually.
Legion was multiple AIs put into one body, Harold one be one sentience spread among many bodies.