Since we're going with the whole 'dying Empire' theme and since it is set in Skyrim I though the Imperials should have looked like this.
Since we're going with the whole 'dying Empire' theme and since it is set in Skyrim I though the Imperials should have looked like this.
They look fine to me. Except for that draco standard.
Besides, at least these Romans aren't 1st-2nd century Roman cataphracts.
No.Let imperial look how they look,Those just looks stupid D:
those remind me of the Guard gear from Oblivion :T
I dislike the whole pseudo-Roman thing, it seems rather lazy. I know Rome is supposed to represent imperial glory but if they're going to use that as inspiration then at least go for something unfamiliar, like the Late Roman Army.
I... just.. can't.
They look like 4 guys who found someone willing to rent them horses so they could make a cool entrance into the weekends ren fair.
Leonard, Sheldon, Raj, and Howard maybe?
And of course out of sympathy, Stewart as well. But Raj rented his horse for him.
Nah, more like
Come on, that's just the same guys without their horses.
Not really, Comitatus has an Equites and infantry group. They aren't just a group consisting of five guys and their horses.
Every Imperial should be a reskinned model of EVERY SINGLE ONE.
Those pictures are ............................ Hilarious. The guy with the pole looks like he's got a blanket tied around his neck, like I used to when I was pretending to be Batman. (used to as in last night).
The Native American legionnaire is funny, but so is the other one.
Including the ones in the background or just the foreground?
Even the females? PERFECT!
Just Dean and Frank.
It's pseudo-Rome because the Imperials are only superficially based on the Roman Empire, they aren't trying to recreate Rome, but make a vaguely original culture in a Romestereotype palette.
I actually prefer the post-marius Reform ones.
That isn't lorica segmentata unless it has segmented plates... bro. over anyways.
Jesus christ, with all this talk of Rome, I want to play Rome total war