hardcoe mode to me would be.
Punishment for being intentionally stupid, If I find myself in a situation I know I can't win, but I walked into it just for kicks. I'd be dusted
Ignoring the wellbeing of ones character, face it, we dont really care about our avatars, we juice them up with stims when they're "hurt" and deck them in clothing visually pleasing to us, seperate from what would be useful survival wise to our char

not saying have a heart or that one cant be creative with their fool, this is a game after all, but having them need to Eat/drink and sleep on occasion is a useful reminder that our characters existence is limited

Weapons hurt. no im not looking for one shot deaths by pea shooters. but if I have my character running around naked and I recieve a rifle round through the face, unless I have some kind of perk to offset this, my character should be dead, with the likely hood of him/her dying decreasing as you go from torso to limbs

Being crippled really should mean crippled, one should lose 70-80 percent mobility when having 1 crippled leg, 2 crippled leg should negate movement to a complete crawl, a cripled arm should disable sights aiming, while both cripled should send my accuracy out the window, Making it imperative that one utilizes stims for a limited boost to survive the engagement.
Weapons hurt. cannot stress this enough, rather not have a repeat of point look out while blasting knife-weilding tribals with a shotgun and their eating the damage and laughing while choping up maniacally.
This ones 2 cents