I know what your talking about, I'm pretty sure its supposed to be those tall metal telephone poles creaking
No It's not that... (being familiar with it's real life equivalent) It is clearly a designed ambient sound.. In other words it is not part of the natural world. To make matters clear.. Your radio has to be off... and it it can be heard (occasionally) anywhere in the mojave....except for The Strip.... Only at night. It is not tied to certain locations..... though is triggered more around the Nipton, Novac, Camp Forlorn Hope triangle.
I know it sounds vague..., the best way to compare it is the whaling sound created for the original Alien Trailer (1979) (in design and feel)
For reference:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEVY_lonKf4 (around 0:49)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-EZC5zn2Fk&feature=fvst (around 0:31)
And yes it freaks me out every time I play without ze radio...
(Yes big alien fan

For the record Alien, Aliens and Alien III don't care for either resurrection or the garbage called AvP)