Now, Pete, my marketing guru.... this plan of yours... it seems like a lot of work to me...
I know you want this shock and awe presentation at E3, but lets be honest, I could just go on stage for 30 seconds. Show them a clip of the dog, tell them Nov 10th and the game would sell itself. Why put in the extra effort... I'm busy. Ok, fine...we will do the presentation... but as far as stupid gimmicks go, this is really close to being one of the biggest. Fine, but then we need to drastically cut down on the amount of work for each of us. So, lets do private screenings at Gamescom and Quakecon... just record the stuff, and have it auto loop every so often... again, super easy. Then, now this is where it gets good... If ANYONE... and I mean ANYONE leaks any part of the private footage... NO MORE NEW MEDIA WILL BE RELEASED!!! Period. I don't care what we might have promised... doesn't matter... either they respect the rules we set or we make new ones that they cannot break. Who really cares in the long run, this game was basically 2015 GOTY two years before it was even released... lets just see if they screw it for themselves or if they are patient enough to let us show them more. My bet is on them screwing it for themselves and then that means less work for the both of us. Deal?... deal.... see.... it just works!
(This is why we haven't had any new game demos or SPECIAL videos... because of this secret speculative conversation between Todd and Pete)