, seems to have plenty of the same affects as alcohol and even described a potent alcohol
Junk food, depending on what it actually is could be fermented into an alcoholic substance and since its pre-War food I'd assume its pretty well fermented already making it a surprisingly strong, restorative, and disgusting drink.
How the tin can become a Whiskey bottle I do not know since the Wasteland Tequila uses them :shrug:
True, but it even states '■This item's effects are similar to Buffout, and in fact uses the same behind-the-scenes effects in order to work. It may be best considered an improved version of Buffout, rather than a form of alcohol.' Which WOULD explain the debuff effect it had and killed me. (It was my first run of DM and I thought they'd work like an emergency stim)
To be honest, I don't think (theoretically) that the Junk Food would be fermented since by Fallout logic it's irradiated, IE it wont age. Either way, I'm not arguing with you on the name, I just don't think it's really an alchohol, and the fact that it works like buffout points to it that it's more a chem than consumable.