What Type of Character you'll Role play in Skyrim?

Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:35 am

Build name: Black Widow/Lady Killer

You know I was planning to make a "Black Widow" character however what I had more in mind was a vampire (should they actually make it into Skyrim) that is named after her mating habits.
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ILy- Forver
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:30 pm

Never gonna use Conjuration hum? I'm guessing this Altmer isn't a pro-necromancer mage then!

Gwyn Gwrach y Llanerch, Healer and Alchemist, diseases cured, wounds tended, reasonable rates, also undead and Necromancer extermination a specialty.
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CSar L
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:33 pm

Build Name: Heavy Mage
Race: Breton
Description: A powerful, heavily armored mage designed to soak up and dish out massive amounts of damage
Wields: Destruction/Alteration magic and shields
Main Skills: Block, Destruction, Alteration, Speechcraft, Heavy Armor
Perks: Those that increase magic damage, decrease fatigue from shield use(if they exist), shield moves, those that increase defense bonuses from alteration, and those that decrease encumberment from armor

Build Name: Dervish
Race: Dumner
Description: A speedy, lightly armored warrior that uses alteration, illusions, and two handed weapons
Wields: Two handed weapons(preferably axes), illusion, and alteration spells
Main Skills: Two-handed, Alteration, Illusion, and Light Armor
Perks: Those that increase time of illusions, increase defense and speed bonuses of Alteration buffs, and special moves with two handed weapons

Build Namer: Berserker
Race: Nord
Description: A lightly armored strength oriented warrior that relies on conjuration and alteration for protection instead of heavy armor
Wields: Duel wields-maces and sword, conjuration, and alteration spells
Main skills: Light armor, One-handed, conjuration, and alteration
Perks: those that increase duration of conjurations, increase strength and durations of alteration buffs, and one-handed special moves
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:45 pm

Build Name: Heavy Mage
Race: Breton
Description: A powerful, heavily armored mage designed to soak up and dish out massive amounts of damage
Wields: Destruction/Alteration magic and shields
Main Skills: Block, Destruction, Alteration, Speechcraft, Heavy Armor
Perks: Those that increase magic damage, decrease fatigue from shield use(if they exist), shield moves, those that increase defense bonuses from alteration, and those that decrease encumberment from armor

Build Name: Dervish
Race: Dumner
Description: A speedy, lightly armored warrior that uses alteration, illusions, and two handed weapons
Wields: Two handed weapons(preferably axes), illusion, and alteration spells
Main Skills: Two-handed, Alteration, Illusion, and Light Armor
Perks: Those that increase time of illusions, increase defense and speed bonuses of Alteration buffs, and special moves with two handed weapons

Build Namer: Berserker
Race: Nord
Description: A lightly armored strength oriented warrior that relies on conjuration and alteration for protection instead of heavy armor
Wields: Duel wields-maces and sword, conjuration, and alteration spells
Main skills: Light armor, One-handed, conjuration, and alteration
Perks: those that increase duration of conjurations, increase strength and durations of alteration buffs, and one-handed special moves


Awesome builds, just awesome.

I like the three of them, but specially the Beserker build, I'll make a similar build in Skyrim for sure, thanks for sharing!
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James Wilson
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:09 pm


Awesome builds, just awesome.

I like the three of them, but specially the Beserker build, I'll make a similar build in Skyrim for sure, thanks for sharing!

My pleasure, it's always fun to throw ideas around
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:52 pm

Build Name : Shinobi

Name : Charon

Age : 26 - 28

Race : Imperial / Bosmer

Skin Tone : White / light tan

Gender : Male

Body Type : 6ft, medium sized muscles / 5ft, small sized muscles

Combat style : long - medium range with bow while in stealth and dual short swords if in combat

Weapon/s : Main weapon - Bow Secondary weapon - Dual short swords

Armour: Dark leather with some metal plating

Hair : Long Black Hair

Eyes : Dark blue eyes / Bosmer Brown

Miscellaneous : Scars on body from past battles

Traits : Cold, quiet, straight to the point, dark since of humor

Likes : quite, good stories, wisdom worth while, money, better equipment than what he has

Dislikes : cruelty, hardships on those that dont deserve them, those with power that are corrupt, racism

Top 7 skills : marksman, sneak, alchemy, smithing, one handed weapon, illusion, alteration

Perks : any that improve sneaking, makes archery more affective, makes his blades more deadly, makes his poisons more potent and act quicker, and makes his smithing work higher quality

Home : he has no real home because is always on the move. he will sleep any where from an inn to in the middle of the deepest forrests. he may own a house in a city but it is mostly just to keep things in he may want later.

Story : his parents were killed at an early age of 6 by vampires so he has no real idea of his lineage or roots. he was adopted by a lord in Cyrodiil and was trained by his assassins everyday in the most brutal fashions untill he was 17. when he was 21 he was deemed a full fledged assassin and was held in high regards as one of the best. when he was 25 the head assassin or "shinobi" and master were killed in a mysterious set of circumstances. Charon was elected as the new shinobi and sat out to find the reasons of why his former master was killed. he was caught crossing the skyrim border when he was hot on the trail of a new lead.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:41 am

Build Name : Shinobi [...] he was caught crossing the skyrim border when he was hot on the trail of a new lead.

Nice stealth-oriented build, I'm a svcker for ninjas too...

The backstory reminds me of Batman Begins, it's a pity you wont be able to throw ninja stars or knives... :sadvaultboy:
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:14 am

Build name: Ascendant (Which in my head is basically a powerful mage)

Character Name: Azel Vareth (Descendant of my Oblvion character, Astor Vareth, who was also an Ascendant).

Race: Breton

Description: Every few generations in the Vareth lineage, a child is born with a gift for controlling magic. The Champion of Cyrodil was one of these "Ascendants" and so is this character)... So basically a full-on mage character.

Wields: Magic. Or staffs. Maybe even both.

Main Skills: Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration, Illusion, Enchanting, Alchemy, & Smithing. (This is if we can pick 7. If not, then I would lose Alchemy & Smithing.)

Perks: I'll know when I get a list :P

Other: He is a relatively nice guy, being fine with all races. One odd thing is that he is Arachnophobic to the point of being Arachnocidal.
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:08 am

The Most Interesting Man in the World.

100 in every skill. Only drinks beer occasionally.

I usually don't play video games, but when I do, I play Skyrim.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:46 pm

Nice stealth-oriented build, I'm a svcker for ninjas too...

The backstory reminds me of Batman Begins, it's a pity you wont be able to throw ninja stars or knives... :sadvaultboy:

lol shame that.... in the full description that im too lazy to type out the guy he was tailing into skyrim was aware that he was being followed so he tiped the guards at the border to be watching for a guy matching my characters description that he was going to assassinate their leader.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:26 pm

Build Name: Gentleman Knave
Name: Roderick DeSand
Age: 19-24
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Skill focus: One-handed Swords, Destruction, Speechcraft, Light Armor
Armor: The finest Glass, but when not engaged in battle, the stylish trappings of a nobleman
Attitude: Never without a joke or pun, his easy-going attitude masks his shrewd sense of right and wrong, and his cunning attempts to circumvent both
Perks: If Skyrim has a Lady-Killer equivalent, that's first on the list

Story: Something about illegal street duels raging throughout the Imperial City, and falling in love with a Dunmer witch who taught him both the art of Destruction and the art of sixual-intercourse, etc.
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:09 pm

other: hates aerdra worshipers (the nine divines). quote "The gods don't do a damn thing. Do they even exist? How could anyone tell? Daedra Lords, sure. They exist. They do things. Bad things, mostly, but things you can see. The gods? They don't do a damn thing. So why do we build big chapels and sit around and mumble, and ask them to save us from this and that? It's stupid. And chapels and priests and folks groveling on their knees, they're stupid, too." -Else God-Hater

check my signature below, its who ill role play as :biggrin:
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:57 am

other: hates aerdra worshipers (the nine divines). quote "The gods don't do a damn thing. Do they even exist? How could anyone tell? Daedra Lords, sure. They exist. They do things. Bad things, mostly, but things you can see. The gods? They don't do a damn thing. So why do we build big chapels and sit around and mumble, and ask them to save us from this and that? It's stupid. And chapels and priests and folks groveling on their knees, they're stupid, too." -Else God-Hater

"And then Alduin ate everything."
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:58 pm

Build: Druid

Name: Gormgolac (rolled R)

Description: A small, old Breton, he was given his name (which means Blue Moon) by the Orc shaman Dudulk Gro-Noc. He is feared by the public, though not to a criminal extent, and known my many aliases, such as the "Tree Talker". Is garbed in leather and earthy cloth, some bearing designs. He is bedecked in strange ornaments and trinkets for his wizardry, and carries many bags of poisons and herbs.

Main Skills in descending order: Alchemy, Illusion, Conjuration, Destruction.

Other: In a consuming quest for power, Gormgolac hunts down wizards and mages over the land. He is a patron of Vaermina and Hercine.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:35 am

i will make a wood elf and he will be your basic rogue class with a heavy focus on marksman and daggers....havent really thought the rest out yet but thats okay because now i will get to just try and see what i like as i play :D
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:40 pm

I'm planning on doing some kind of "spell sword" thing.

Race: Breton
Description: Basically mage that can do awesome magic stuff while also being a severe badass with a sword as well.
Wield: spell in left hand, sword in right hand.
Skills I'll most likely focus on: one-handed weapon, destruction, conjuration, restoration, illusion, light armor and enchanting.

That's all I can think of atm.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:46 pm

Build name: Warrior

Race: Nord

Description/Story: A young man arrives in Skyrim pursuing his kidnapped sister and to avenge his murdered father. He was a farmboy for all his late childhood and adolescent years, assisting his father in the upkeep of the farm. When he became a man at 18, he left the farm to pursue a career as a blacksmith. But now, at age 22, with his father murdered and his sister kidnapped, he leaves Cyrodiil after learning the kidnappers/killers were last seen in Skyrim. However, he soon learns of his true power and finds himself involved in MUCH MORE than just the search for his sister.

Dual Wields: Sword and Shield

Main Skills: One-handed, Block, Speechcraft/Mercantile, Smithing, Light Armor, Security, Sneak, Archery

Perks: Anything that increases blade characteristics, defense, dialogue, sneaky ways, etc.

Other: His family has revered Shor (god who created nords) just as other nords have. So, it will be a spiritual/special journey for him to climb High Hrothgar. He does not trust elves because they currently are in control of the Empire (I heard this, but not sure if it's entirely accurate), so he will have to learn to trust the elves he meets on his journey (hopefully, you can have elves as companions). His favorite food is sweet rolls, dear meat, boar meat, and salmon, but considering salmon is not to be found in Cyrodiil, he has always had to purchase salmon (now, HOPEFULLY, he can catch salmon). He also enjoys a good ale and often heads down to the tavern for a few drinks and some entertainment and chatting with the locals.
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:22 am

Build: Dragonslayer

Race: Khajiit

Body: 6' 8", Heavily Muscled, Thick White Fur

Name: None

A primal, bloodthirsty predator who has gained extensive survival and combat skills over the course of a life full of fighting and harsh wilderness. He has become a master of combat, adept at nearly any weapon one can find in Skyrim, and operates both barechested and in the heaviest of armors. Though he craves combat in any form he is most comfortable with either a warhammer or his own rather large claws. A creature of honor, he takes great joy in putting his tracking skills to use to hunt bandits, marauders, and other cowardly theives. His hate for magic, devious sorcerors, and cowards fuels his berserker fury on the battlefield. Harbors extreme prejudice towards dragons and views them as evil scourges upon nature. Grizzled, scarred, and scheming on how to break out of prison, he is ready to face his most dangerous foes yet...

Skills: One handed, Two handed, Hand to Hand, Archery, Block, Heavy Armor, Light Armor

Backstory: Having stepped into a major city only a few times, the dragonslayer has led a violent and solitary life. Having no memory of his birthplace, parents, or earliest years, he has become a survivor supreme and gained a deep seated respect for nature's beauty and level of unforgiving while wandering through its lands. Attempts to become part of organized society have left him with basic communication skills and the realization that he is out of his depth. An ugly brawl in Windhelm leaves the dragonslayer charged with murder and thrown in jail, wandering what will happen next...

Likes: Unarmed fighting, knife fighting, his warhammer, smashing puny goblins, fighting, bar brawling, nature

Dislikes: Magic, sorcerors, cowards, dragons, High Elves, Bretons, arachnids, goblins, bandits, theives, snow on his whiskers
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:33 am

How can you role-play in an action-adventure game?
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:22 pm

As in Oblivion, I played as my Character (Will be a Nord in Skyrim) I took time to do things. Example:

One man, me, closed an entire Great Gate ALONE...So what I did was take time off, I know personally I could do treacherous quest after treacherous quest. I'd take time to heal my wounds, relax. In Skyrim I'm sure I'll do some work or sharpen some weapons and prepare for the next battle.
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Isabella X
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:41 pm

I don't think I will know for sure until I'm in Skyrim.
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:22 am

In Oblivion I had a warrior necromancer kind of character, who was schizophrenic

In Skyrim I am having a criminal character who has warped veiws, a sharp and quick humor, and an undeniable loyalty to allies
he will have two swords, heavy armor, smith, enchant, speech, and use magic probably not destruction but more to help him in combat, not direct damage
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:37 pm

As in Oblivion, I played as my Character (Will be a Nord in Skyrim) I took time to do things. Example:

One man, me, closed an entire Great Gate ALONE...So what I did was take time off, I know personally I could do treacherous quest after treacherous quest. I'd take time to heal my wounds, relax. In Skyrim I'm sure I'll do some work or sharpen some weapons and prepare for the next battle.

Yea, one of the annoying parts of Oblivion to me was that the main questline had me doing one thing after another. Later on in the game my character saved the world from Mannimarco one day, then the next saved it from Dagon, lol. Maybe they could add some more areas to allow our characters breaks, For instance when doing the quest to find the Mythic Dawn's headquarters, I changed (not like modded or anything) Tar-Meena's words from being "see me again tomorrow" to "see me in a while".
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:18 pm

My first character is going to be a convicted drug-manufacturer (the reason why i was gonna be executed), who does some good things, like save the world, from time to time, but also gets drawn into the seedy underbelly of skyrim and ultimately ends up being a bloodthirsty murdering maniac.

Main skills are gonna be stealth, and a huge emphasis on alchemy (making the drugs). I plan to drop the drugs in front of all the kids in skyrim, which they will be programmed to pick up. When they try and return them, i will tell them to keep it, until theyre hooked, then i jack up the price.

Prolly khajiit, but might also go either argonian or bosmer.
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:06 pm

im leaning towards a warrior type Nord. A young simple man who desired a simple life away from the political turmoil of the region and away from big-city life. He dislikes and distrusts politicians whom he believes are only out to server themselves. After being told of the 'prophecy' and legacy, he continuously struggles between his true calling and his desire to have no part of it. Eventually, realizing what's at stake, he begins his journey and also realizes that there are many people in need and that his moral duty and code obligates him to a higher calling and cause. Though partial to his own kind, this simple young man begins to see that his actions can in fact change people's lives and can save his homeland and become the champion of the north.

In other words, my character will a reluctant hero torn between the life he wants and the life he is meant to have..
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