What Type of Character you'll Role play in Skyrim?

Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:09 pm

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We won't be (hopefully) discussing the following topics:

-The removal of the attribute/class classic system, you can do this http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1202649-some-things-that-some-dont-seem-to-understand-about-classes/page__st__20__p__17930094__hl__perks__fromsearch__1#entry17930094
-How good/badly the Perk system will work, you can do this http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1202628-perks-awesome-innovative-enhancements-or-cheap-compensation-for-diminished-skilllevel-value/page__st__100__p__17931615__hl__perks__fromsearch__1#entry17931615
-The "dumbing-down-the-game" hypothesis, you can do this http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1202153-everything-they-add-they-remove-something/page__st__40__p__17914198__hl__dumbing__fromsearch__1#entry17914198 or http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1201955-the-modern-gamer/page__st__20__p__17909066__hl__dumbing__fromsearch__1#entry17909066
-The best/worst possible builds, you can do this http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1202520-worst-possible-class-build/page__st__60__p__17925782__hl__worst+build__fromsearch__1#entry17925782

What ARE we discussing then? Interesting character builds with the skill & perk system of Skyrim!

I've always played Morrowind and Oblivion with more or less the same character, but the new leveling system, based around Perks and Skills, gives us new customization options, so I'm thinking it's about time I started trying new builds.

So far we know there are http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Skyrim:

Magic: Illusion, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Alteration and Enchanting.
Combat: Smithing, Heavy Armor, Block, Two Handed, One Handed and Archery.
Thief: Light Armor, (Sneak?), (Security?), (Hand-to-hand?), Speechcraft-Mercantile and Alchemy.

And we have some examples of http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Perks:

Ignore armor (with mace), Better critical hits (sword), Bleeding damage (axes), Better stealth attacks (dagger), Zoom and Hold breath (bow)
Shield Wall, Quick Reflexes, Deadly Bash, Power Bash, Bash Disarm, Shield Charge, Deflect Arrows or Elemental Protection (all blocking perks)

With this limited information and some common-sense based speculation... what type of interesting character are you looking forward to build?

I'll share my build as an example:

Build name: Black Widow/Lady Killer
Race: Imperial
Description: A persuasive and intelligent assassin - illusionist that evades direct combat by out-smarting men, seducing women and running from Orc warriors.
Dual wields: Dagger and Illusions spells (Charm, command humanoid, chameleon)
Main Skills: Speechcraft, Stealth, Illusion, One Handed, Light Armor, Alchemy and Mercantile.
Perks: Those that enhance charisma, illusion and dagger damage + unique perks that increase dialogue options or damage to opposite six and any special assassination perks (instantly killing sleeping NPC's would be just perfect!)
Other: Hates Bosmer badly.

So.. what type of interesting character are you looking forward to build?

EDIT: Changes in the confirmed skills, thanks http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/user/629573-bootysweat/
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phillip crookes
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:00 am

A village pillager.

Every town and every citizen will fear my dragon-shouting wrath.

But in all seriousness, probably a mage. Dual wielding magic spells along with some epic Dragon shouts.
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:50 am

So far we know there are http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Skyrim:

Magic: Illusion, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Alteration and Enchanting.
Combat: Smithing, Heavy Armor, Block, Two Handed, One Handed and Archery.
Thief: Light Armor, (Sneak?), (Security?), (Mercantile?), Speechcraft and Alchemy.

Interesting thread - please note Speechcraft and Mercantile have been merged and the other Thief skill is most likely Hand to Hand as Ashley Cheng confirmed we can have a total hand to hand character, like a monk.

I'll wait to see the screens featuring other races, but so far after seeing the brand new Orc character design, I'm leaning toward an Orc bandit marauder type, certainly he will be blind in one eye (or perhaps both).

no magic
light armor
two-handed weapons
hand to hand
archery haha yes he is a blind archer
perks that include things like smashing locked chests and doors, bloody kills, knockdown attacks, violent smashy perks
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:33 pm

The Most Interesting Man in the World.

100 in every skill. Only drinks beer occasionally.
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:20 am

I have a few builds that I always end up working with.

A Dunmer or Imperial charmer with a focus in speechcraft, blades, and destruction for off-hand parlor tricks.
A n Orcish shaman with a strong liking of staves and electric spells, I might make this one female in Skyrim, if the Orcs don't look as bad as they did in Oblivion.
And an Argonian assassin who takes no prisoners and makes no compromises.
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:32 pm

i tend to do a battle mage.....with a hint of thief..lol My characters tend to like to go invis and back stab :)
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:07 pm

Build name: Duelist
Race: Bosmer
Description: A Bosmer dual-wielder focusing on speed and agility.
Dual wields: Shortswords
Main Skills: One Handed, Block, Light Armor and if possible, any skill that's close to athletics/acrobatics
Perks: Those enhancing speed and swords.
Other: Dislikes Humans

Other builds will probably be a Breton Destruction Mage, an Altmer Healer, a Bosmer Archer, a Nord Barbarian, an Imperial DA-styled Templar, a Redguard Knight and a Khajiit Assasin.
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:44 am

Cloaked Nord ranger. Fights with a longsword and longbow by day and slits throats with a dagger at night. Knows a few select spells but. these are for practical use rather than for combat. Knows his way around basic alchemy and what can be made from common forest ingredients. Wears a hood and smokes a pipe. Professional at work but likes a stiff drink, a brawl and a good lay when at play. I suppose he's a hybrid between the Aragorn we seen in the Prancing Pony, Jack Sparrow, Geralt of Rivia, John Marston and something just a little darker. I know it might be cliched a bit but this character will just fit into the rugged world so perfectly.

Jesus, forumming on my tiny X10 mini is a pain in the ass...
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:47 am

Build name: Spell-Sword

Race: Either Nord, Argonian, or Khajiit. I haven't decided yet.

Description: Wields a sword in one hand and swirling fiery death in the other. He also loves crafting potions, armor, weapons, and enchanting his gear to help him in combat.

Main Skills: One-handed, Light Armor, Destruction, Restoration, Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing (and probably another magic school or two)

Perks: I will probably specialize in swords with one-handed, but I'll have to see the perk trees for the other skills before I can say for those.
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:18 am

Build Name : Nightcrawler

Name : Twitch

Age : 23

Race : Nord

Skin Tone : White

Gender : Male

Body Type : 6ft, medium sized muscles

Combat style : Stealth mostly, with minimal combat and some magic for example chameleon and detect life as it helps as both help a character that rely on stealth

Weapon/s : Main weapon - Bow, and when that goes wrong 2 short swords for close combat

Armour: Has to be dark in colour and light armour variety, depending on how the smithing works hopefuly will be able to design it with wolf and/or dragon emblems

Hair : Long Black Hair and a Jack Sparrow Beard

Eyes : Green Eyes

Miscellaneous : Tattoo of a wolf on left arm and roses on right arm, scar over right eyebrow and across the top of right arm

Traits : Loves Women, Stubborn, Shy, Quiet, Aggressive when needed, Sarcastic, Did I mention women already

Likes : Women and animals

Dislikes : Altmer and... wierdly for a Nord being cold

Top 6 skills : Marksmen, Sneak, Smithing, Security, Illusuion and Light Armour

Perks : Those that increase damage with Bows, Increase Sneaking and Illussion (Chameleon)

Home : Originally born in the Summerset Isles to a Nord Mother and a Nord Father in the city of Alinor, moved to Skyrim as a small boy. Lived in the city of Solitude for most of advlt life thus far but spent most of the time in the wild studying the native wildlife and basic combat and infiltration skills

Story : Twitch's parents are killed during the first few days of the civil war in Skyrim. Twitch immediatly leaves Skyrim for about a week to help smuggle his frail grandfather out of the country and away from the civil war, Twitch ends up in Bruma in Cyrodil. Twitch leaves his uncle in the inn there named the Olav's Tap n' Tack which has been in Bruma for over 200 years and is said to be where the hero of Cyrodil spent many nights during his quest to stop the invasion of Mehrunes Dagon 2 centuries earlier. A week later Twitch returns to Skyrim to join the civil war. Before being able to do so however, Twitch is arrested coming across the border. Twitch is later accused of [censored] and murdering a local girl about a week earlier. Known as a man who endulges his passion for women regually and after matching the description from various witnessess of the perpetrator seen fleeing the scene the evidence seemed conclusive for the girls father and justice had to be served. The girl was the daughter of a rich family hence why no questions are asked and judgment is passed with no trial, money talks. Sentenced to execution... what happens next.... To be continued 11.11.11
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:58 am

A plotting, bow carrying opportunist, whose Father was a master of prestidigitation. :grins:
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:31 pm

An argonion ranger specializing in bows and short swords, leather armor and a master at survival.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:25 am

Just for the OP, there ARE hand-to-hand as well as one-hand skills. (Seems one-hand replaced blade and blunt, which makes sense I guess)

I have no bloody idea yet! I've been avoiding this forum because I am just too excited and November is so very far away..

I usually go with a caster-sort, which I will probably do this time so I can experience the new spell system head on. As for elements past that.. not sure :)
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liz barnes
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:23 am

Just for the OP, there ARE hand-to-hand as well as one-hand skills. (Seems one-hand replaced blade and blunt, which makes sense I guess)

I have no bloody idea yet! I've been avoiding this forum because I am just too excited and November is so very far away..

I usually go with a caster-sort, which I will probably do this time so I can experience the new spell system head on. As for elements past that.. not sure :)

Hand to hand is confirmed to not be a skill, but you can still fight with your fists and it is supposed to be viable.
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:05 pm

Build name: Battlemage
Race: Breton
Description: A rambunctious and undisciplined man, quite skilled in magic, but lacking in finesse and tact. He fights like a coward and does stupidly risky things.
Dual wields: A long sword and a staff
Main Skills: Destruction, Restoration, One-handed, Heavy Armor, Security, Enchanting, Smithing
Perks: Anything that will improve his spells and especially fighting at long range.
Other: His goal in life before the jailing was to be filthy stinking rich, but the adventure may change him.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:55 pm

A loner, conjuration mage. I didn't kill you because I don't like you...I killed you because I need your soul for my spells. Gosh.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:20 pm

Hand to hand is confirmed to not be a skill

Links or it didn't happen.

AFAIK, Ashley Cheng confirmed you can play as a total hand to hand character, like a monk.

If it is only perks, where would you put them?

In the perk tree for the Two Handed Weapons skill?
In the perk tree for the One Handed Weapons skill?
In the perk tree for Stealth?
In the perk tree for Light Armor?
In the perk tree for Block?

The only reasonable scenario I can envision is a unique hand to hand skill with its own perk tree.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:08 pm

A goody two-shoes Dunmer Mage.

For my second built, a Khajiit Assassin/Ranger.
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lillian luna
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:30 am

I'll wait to see the screens featuring other races, but so far after seeing the brand new Orc character design, I'm leaning toward an Orc bandit marauder type, certainly he will be blind in one eye (or perhaps both).

I'm pretty sure my Lady Killer would have to run from your Orc, unless your Orc is a woman... in which case I'll seduce you and silently kill you while you're sleeping.

Build name: Duelist
Race: Bosmer
Description: A Bosmer dual-wielder focusing on speed and agility.
Dual wields: Shortswords
Main Skills: One Handed, Block, Light Armor and if possible, any skill that's close to athletics/acrobatics
Perks: Those enhancing speed and swords.
Other: Dislikes Humans

I hope some kind of speed-related perk gets into the game, this build needs it!

My Imperial hates Bosmer, your Bosmer dislikes humans... you're too agile for me, but i'm a sneaky-illusionist, so watch your back

Cloaked Nord ranger. Fights with a longsword and longbow by day and slits throats with a dagger at night. Knows a few select spells but. these are for practical use rather than for combat. Knows his way around basic alchemy and what can be made from common forest ingredients. Wears a hood and smokes a pipe. Professional at work but likes a stiff drink, a brawl and a good lay when at play. I suppose he's a hybrid between the Aragorn we seen in the Prancing Pony, Jack Sparrow, Geralt of Rivia, John Marston and something just a little darker. I know it might be cliched a bit but this character will just fit into the rugged world so perfectly.

Nice... I'll definitely try this build on Skyrim, it fits the world perfectly.

Also... let's hope for some ranger/explorer perks!

Build name: Spell-Sword
Race: Either Nord, Argonian, or Khajiit. I haven't decided yet.
Description: Wields a sword in one hand and swirling fiery death in the other. He also loves crafting potions, armor, weapons, and enchanting his gear to help him in combat.
Main Skills: One-handed, Light Armor, Destruction, Restoration, Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing (and probably another magic school or two)
Perks: I will probably specialize in swords with one-handed, but I'll have to see the perk trees for the other skills before I can say for those.

Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing mastery? I'd certainly want to rob him, sweet loot for sure...

Let's hope the new mechanics of those skills are good, I'm really wondering how the perks of those skills will work!

Build Name : Nightcrawler

Name : Twitch
Race : Nord
Combat style : Stealth mostly, with minimal combat and some magic for example chameleon and detect life as it helps as both help a character that rely on stealth
Weapon/s : Main weapon - Bow, and when that goes wrong 2 short swords for close combat
Armour: Has to be dark in colour and light armour variety, depending on how the smithing works hopefuly will be able to design it with wolf and/or dragon emblems
Hair : Long Black Hair and a Jack Sparrow Beard
Eyes : Green Eyes
Miscellaneous : Tattoo of a wolf on left arm and roses on right arm, scar over right eyebrow and across the top of right arm
Traits : Loves Women, Stubborn, Shy, Quiet, Aggressive when needed, Sarcastic, Did I mention women already
Likes : Women and animals
Dislikes : Altmer and... wierdly for a Nord being cold
Top 6 skills : Marksmen, Sneak, Smithing, Security, Illusuion and Light Armour
Perks : Those that increase damage with Bows, Increase Sneaking and Illussion (Chameleon)
Home : Originally born in the Summerset Isles to a Nord Mother and a Nord Father in the city of Alinor, moved to Skyrim as a small boy. Lived in the city of Solitude for most of advlt life thus far but spent most of the time in the wild studying the native wildlife and basic combat and infiltration skills

Story : Twitch's parents are killed [...] what happens next.... To be continued 11.11.11

Awesome back story and build! Let's hope Bows are a real substitute to other weapons this time around.
Women, the one thing my Imperial and your Nord really care about.

Awesome builds everyone!

It's nice to see some people actually role-play rather than just power-game. Hey, I'm not implying power-gaming is bad, at all, just not my thing!
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:57 pm

Just for the OP, there ARE hand-to-hand as well as one-hand skills.

Hand to hand is confirmed to not be a skill, but you can still fight with your fists and it is supposed to be viable.

AFAIK, Ashley Cheng confirmed you can play as a total hand to hand character, like a monk.

Although I consider this discussion important, let's please focus on hypothetical character builds based on confirmed skills and any other rumored/possible skill or perks

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katie TWAVA
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:56 am

Awesome back story and build! Let's hope Bows are a real substitute to other weapons this time around.
Women, the one thing my Imperial and your Nord really care about.

Awesome builds everyone!

It's nice to see some people actually role-play rather than just power-game. Hey, I'm not implying power-gaming is bad, at all, just not my thing!

I find it hard to see how you can get the most out of a game like this without role playing it to a degree and using your imagination.

I don't really think it's the type of game you can trully experience if you "Power Game" it, as you put it.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:24 pm

No hand to hand skill is confirmed,something else to go in stealth is needed. Confirmed in Playstation magazine, info http://www.gamersmint.com/new-skyrim-details-injured-dragons-cant-fly-much-more

Anyway, skills in order of importance :
Most used, most perks : Restoration, Illusion, Alchemy.
Other main skills : Enchanting, Alteration, Speechcraft.
Occasional : One handed ( HtoH or dagger), Destruction, maybe a tiny bit of smithing or Sneak.
Never gonna use : Security, Armour, Conjuration, Two handed, Archery, Block.

Have to be an Altmer with that build.
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:49 am

For me, the first play through will always be a knight, man of honour, looking for glory and fame, helping those that are needed
Will just be a sword and shield character throughout the game, no magic besides healing magic, but deadly with dragon shouts

2nd will be a stealth bow&arrow, thief type character , carrying a dagger, killing in the shadows, mostly a assassin type, do whatever it takes to earn some money and get more weapons/skills

3rd and always the 1 i enjoy most cause of all the power, is a magic character, don't care about others besides myself, i love power so i'm sort of evil but near end might become a good person again, i dunno, but these will be my 3 main play throughs

Not sure about the races and perks and all that cause its been a while since i played oblivion but those 3 characters pretty much, will go with the perks and races that matches.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:41 pm

I don't really think it's the type of game you can trully experience if you "Power Game" it, as you put it.

I completely agree, but some players prefer to focus on creating an all-mighty slaughtering machine with maxed everything rather than in creating interesting characters.

Maybe that isn't power gaming, maybe it's just another perfectly fine way of role-playing, I wont judge the way people like to play their games.

I guess it depends on your definition of role-playing.

No hand to hand skill is confirmed,something else to go in stealth is needed. Confirmed in Playstation magazine, info http://www.gamersmint.com/new-skyrim-details-injured-dragons-cant-fly-much-more

Anyway, skills in order of importance :
Most used, most perks : Restoration, Illusion, Alchemy.
Other main skills : Enchanting, Alteration, Speechcraft.
Occasional : One handed ( HtoH or dagger), Destruction, maybe a tiny bit of smithing or Sneak.
Never gonna use : Security, Armour, Conjuration, Two handed, Archery, Block.

Have to be an Altmer with that build.

Never gonna use Conjuration hum? I'm guessing this Altmer isn't a pro-necromancer mage then!

As I said before, let's hope the enchanting gets really interesting, since it's a whole new, perk-fulled skill this time around!

Thanks for your opinions!
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Steve Smith
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:11 am

Build: Town Drunk
Race: Nord
Description: A man who is most often than not drunk off his [censored] and is mostly a source of ridicule for the people of his home town.
Dual Wields: His Fists!!!
Skills: He has none (unless you count fist fighting and an affinity for being intoxicated) which is partially the reason why he spends most of his time drunk, that being said he has taken an interest in Alchemy as surely alchemy covers the brewing of mead right?
Perks: Drunken Master, significantly increases the Hand to Hand skill while intoxicated. Charming Alcoholic, thinks his Charisma attribute is raised while drunk when in reality everyone is laughing at him and not his stupid jokes.
Other: His traveling partner is a fairy named "Tinkles Galute" that only he can see.
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