We won't be (hopefully) discussing the following topics:
-The removal of the attribute/class classic system, you can do this http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1202649-some-things-that-some-dont-seem-to-understand-about-classes/page__st__20__p__17930094__hl__perks__fromsearch__1#entry17930094
-How good/badly the Perk system will work, you can do this http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1202628-perks-awesome-innovative-enhancements-or-cheap-compensation-for-diminished-skilllevel-value/page__st__100__p__17931615__hl__perks__fromsearch__1#entry17931615
-The "dumbing-down-the-game" hypothesis, you can do this http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1202153-everything-they-add-they-remove-something/page__st__40__p__17914198__hl__dumbing__fromsearch__1#entry17914198 or http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1201955-the-modern-gamer/page__st__20__p__17909066__hl__dumbing__fromsearch__1#entry17909066
-The best/worst possible builds, you can do this http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1202520-worst-possible-class-build/page__st__60__p__17925782__hl__worst+build__fromsearch__1#entry17925782
What ARE we discussing then? Interesting character builds with the skill & perk system of Skyrim!
I've always played Morrowind and Oblivion with more or less the same character, but the new leveling system, based around Perks and Skills, gives us new customization options, so I'm thinking it's about time I started trying new builds.
So far we know there are http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Skyrim:
Magic: Illusion, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Alteration and Enchanting.
Combat: Smithing, Heavy Armor, Block, Two Handed, One Handed and Archery.
Thief: Light Armor, (Sneak?), (Security?), (Hand-to-hand?), Speechcraft-Mercantile and Alchemy.
And we have some examples of http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Perks:
Ignore armor (with mace), Better critical hits (sword), Bleeding damage (axes), Better stealth attacks (dagger), Zoom and Hold breath (bow)
Shield Wall, Quick Reflexes, Deadly Bash, Power Bash, Bash Disarm, Shield Charge, Deflect Arrows or Elemental Protection (all blocking perks)
With this limited information and some common-sense based speculation... what type of interesting character are you looking forward to build?
I'll share my build as an example:
Build name: Black Widow/Lady Killer
Race: Imperial
Description: A persuasive and intelligent assassin - illusionist that evades direct combat by out-smarting men, seducing women and running from Orc warriors.
Dual wields: Dagger and Illusions spells (Charm, command humanoid, chameleon)
Main Skills: Speechcraft, Stealth, Illusion, One Handed, Light Armor, Alchemy and Mercantile.
Perks: Those that enhance charisma, illusion and dagger damage + unique perks that increase dialogue options or damage to opposite six and any special assassination perks (instantly killing sleeping NPC's would be just perfect!)
Other: Hates Bosmer badly.
So.. what type of interesting character are you looking forward to build?
EDIT: Changes in the confirmed skills, thanks http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/user/629573-bootysweat/