» Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:37 am
I can almost guarantee the patch will either be a standalone download from the gamesas site, or it will just like patch 1.2 and will be automatically downloaded through the EA-DM, or through Steam when you go to launch the application. I'm really wanting to see DX11 on Crysis 2. I can already see the potential of the Cry Engine 3 and I know if Crytek takes it's time and does DX11 right then the game will look MUCH MUCH better, and don't get me wrong it already looks really nice. I think the game needs better physics, like for ex: When you pick up the trash bags they are like a solid rock, and when you throw them they don't bust open. I would also like a way to free-roam the city. I spent countless hours on Crysis 1 free-roaming the jungles as far as I could until I got the inevitable Red Screen of death haha. Even used some Edited CFG files to be able to basically fly, and have infinite health so I could even explore outside the limited zones. I think being able to explore NYC would be awesome, but that will probably never happen because Crytek didn't map out the entire City, I wouldn't expect them too, that woulda taken WAAAAY to long. Also, not bashing on Crysis 2, I love the game in every aspect, but the Nano-suit in Crysis 1 was better in certain ways being: 1. Strength mode was actually an activated module, and in Crysis 1 strength mode made you jump a lot higher, you could go ape **** on people with your fists and do just as much damage as a shotgun did pointblank, 2. Speed mode was quicker, made you punch quicker, reload quicker, run quicker, all better then speed mode in Crysis 2. I mean other then that, the invisibility in Crysis 2 is amazing. Armor mode in Crysis 2 seems better then in Crysis 1 for sure. But I'm done ranting. I have truly high hopes for DX11, GO CRYTEK!