What upgrades would you make to Codsworth and othe bots?

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:42 pm

You could probably program Codsworth to help you salvage, repair and reprogram other bots, hopefully other Handy bots that could help you do the above and more. A tinker is a trades person who repairs and upgrades old world tech to the best of their ability.

You have old world tech training, skills and short cuts fresh in your mind that few living still posses. You know what a lot of things do and how they do it you've seen them work. In anticipation of possibly having to help rebuild shortly after the war who knows what you looked into and bought how two books and videos about, or as a homeowner and family person starting out learned to repair of your possessions to save paying some one else to do it.

Look at the crafting gear and equipment you are apparently able to use with skill. You can do a lot to make a better life for those and their companions who want to help and learn from you.

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lillian luna
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:11 pm

I like the cup holder idea the most. "Codsworth, hold my beer. I see some mutants need laserin'." Fill his inventory with liquor and he can be your floating bartender while you tromp around. It's revolutionary, really. Gives a whole new spin to the term "wasteland."

Rippers, grappling hooks, flamethrower, some kind of shield... I like to play a sniper, so I want a companion that complements that with short-range defensive tactics when those wasteland mojitos inevitably ruin my long-distance aim.

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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:27 am

I want to give him a heart. I hear there's a wizard that can do it.

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Chase McAbee
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:20 pm

Picture yourself as someone who has tweaked and upgraded your electronics, maybe robotics since a child, as opposed to a survivor who's always viewed operational bots from a distance, maybe with suspicion and probably fear.

You can be the wizard.

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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:55 pm

I like the cut of your jib.

"Codsworth, scotch and soda." *spies SM behemoth* " Better make it a double."

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luis dejesus
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:57 am

I'd like to swap the rocket thruster and the assembly Codsworth's arms are attached to for one that gives him six arms, all of which can double as legs depending on how much he needs to carry and how far and fast.all six used as legs it carries the heaviest load.Replace the rocket with 4 ducted fan pods that each provide provide 50 to 75 pounds cargo lift capacity above the weight of the bot.

Anything above 300 pounds of cargo it has to use legs to walk, every pair of legs is and additional 100 pounds it can carry, every pound it is below maximum lift capacity of the number of legs it is using and the maximum lift of it's flight/hover fan pods, the faster it can run, or even fly.

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The Time Car
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:46 pm

I'd like a variety of program options based on skills. Ie, program a mister handy to fly into a crowd and detonate based on explosives and science skill. Program a sentry bot to take out obstacles, etc.program functions in the past were based on quest lines. I'd like to do it whenever
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:22 pm

As sole survivor you are a truly unique character in this franchise in that you have the knowledge and experience with pre-war tech as fresh in your mind as you were living in the vault a few days ago. or when you entered the vault. If you were into consumer tech you could be as connected to tech as any gamer playing this game.

You know what was newest and where you might find it in certain homes, stores, shops. It's fresh in your mind like no living ghoul or tech expert anywhere alive. They may understand the tech but not like they were on top of everything new and following it's evolution for years. Who knows what higher education, professional and/or military training or experience you might have.

I would not be unrealistic for you to be able to program like nobody else has been able to for nearly two centuries.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:09 pm

This is the post that inspired the idea of arms that could function as legs so that a 6 arm Handy could walk or climb on on 2 to 4 legs and still have 4 to 2 arms to use weapons if need be, or use all six as legs to carry a really heavy load.

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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:30 pm

I believe Handy bots already have the ability to fly like a drone, given they can already hover.

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Emmie Cate
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:19 pm

Well, I would want to strap a holo-projector (like those in the Sierra Madre) onto a robot (as a force multiplier - after all those holos give enememies extra targets (at least as long as they don't know you can't damage them!) and can engage targets, too!) onto a robot :) and give them a stealth generator (like the one in the Chinese stealth armor!)

Some new weapons, better grapling arms (to help it work), some surgical equipment (who wouldn't want an armed, hovering auto-doc?) and some armor (like the Mr. Gutsy robots...though better if possible) would be nice as well :)

Hell, give me a point-defense attachment (something like a laser-gattling - like a modern Phalanx-CIWS, just with laser!), so that I don't have to worry about damned missiles :)

Damned, you could do so much (I hope this is a thing...or becomes one in a mod or DLC)

greetings LAX

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oliver klosoff
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:24 pm

I just hope you can get a haircut from him whenever you want, one thing I didn't like about New Vegas was you couldn't get a haircut at any time unless you joined The Kings or until you got to OWB. So I hope for haircuts from Codsworth to be in, plus maybe tell me jokes lol.

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Abi Emily
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:33 am

I would like to change his voice so he doesn't sound like C3PO all the time.

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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:12 pm

There should be a DLC or mod that allows you to craft or upgrade bots like you can weapons, armor . power armor and now buildings. Most of that came about because enough gamers asked for it and Bethesda responded. There is DLC to FO 3 and NV that allows you to bring back all kinds of weapons and loot even power armor, stealth armor and I believe perks your companions could use in the main game.

No body who doesn't want to craft this into their game has to and if it becomes part of the next Fallout they don't have to use it, much as people who would rather play a stealth game can do that option, or be a villian or shooter or any combination that suits them. Advocate for what you want and if enough people agree you may get it sooner than you expected.

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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:58 pm

I like the idea of codsworth AI chip being interchangeable with other robots thus allowing him to have access to different weapons/defense systems. Ideally I'd like a sentry bot modified and upgraded as a long range heavy support platform ( high powered lasers and missiles/explosive launcher) with either cods coming in close as a mr. Handy or Gutsy design with upgraded weapons like a flame thrower and two rapid fire plasma rifles ( or equivalent) to round out my robotic arm of my group. I'm hoping to run at least 4-5 person team.
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:06 pm

How about a Handy or Gutsy that can fly like a drone, mounting a semi auto anti material sniping rifle chambered in .50 caliber or 20 mm, serving as a shoot and scoot sniper.

Let it hover in the tree tops of a distant tree line with just its eye cameras exposed and it just pops up from cover just enough to take a quick but well aimed shot or two before dropping out of sight to run off for a new firing position.

Have several shoot and scoot sniper bots with three eyes providing stereoscopic depth perception over 360 degrees with over lapping fields of vision, popping up here, there almost everywhere, like there are dozens instead on a few.

If their communications are coordinated well enough, units observing but not moving can provide constant target location information to those heading to, even selecting the best new firing position, even while their target, are out of their sight.

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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:47 pm

Animal companions in intruder rigs.

Consider doing tasks as the primary character guiding an animal companion via pip boy and intruder rig https://www.google.com/search?q=Police+and+Military+K-9+armor&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CCgQ7AlqFQoTCPXE266DkcgCFYKKDQod87QFzw&biw=1536&bih=755 , https://itsadisaster.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/mwd-k9-gear.jpg?w=560 .

Consider doing stealth as a dog, wolf or big cat, normally lower to the ground than a crouching human, using an intruder rig camera on a telescoping periscope type mast no bigger than a car antenna, (a mast extendable to the height of a standing man only far, far less noticeable than any man.)

Imagine directing a companion with the control you use to direct your primary character and having the stealth, climbing and melee skills of a mature 200+ pound trained jungle cat in body armor, or the stealth and fighting skills of a mature highly well armored trained dog or wolf.

Imagine an adolescent death claw the size of a man able to move and climb like a big cat and or monkey, and strike like a death claw with "martial arts" training.

Picture a death claw that grew up sparring with humans and learning our weaknesses. Picture a death claw with parkour like abilities beyond human, but hopefully not ridiculous, (they are not in an exoskeleton, power armor or a jet pack, they are still flesh and blood).

Limit their leaping ability to maybe thirty feet running leap, they are not Spiderman or iron man, please nothing ridiculous like leaping building to building across a street. Direct a multi engine flying cargo bot grab a loop on the back of their armor since you have such bots.

If you’ve got a bot with six such fan pods, and light enough power armor let it give you a quick short range lift if you don’t have jump jets on your armor, or time to wait on a vertibird. Don’t put senseless limits on using your resources to reposition yourself and your companions, resupply you, move you to a vantage point, like the high ground. take you to meet the verti bird.

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