What we WANT in Fallout 4

Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:17 pm

Power armor visor or frame should be shown around screen(Like from mechwarrior games you see the metal frame.) so it would feel more like you would be inside of something powerful. In fo3 it felt like i would be just wearing heavy plate armour.

On the fo4 trailer those power armor wearing people looked really big, so hope is high. :)

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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:28 am

-hardcoe mode, something similar to New Vegas

-different kinds of gas masks that you can still wear heard gear with, like a hoodie or something.

-i want to be able to put a suppressor on my assault rifle! so weapon mods is a must

-different options to be able to chose/side with, when doing/finishing the main quest line

and please tell me that some shipments of Nuka Cola Quantum made it to Boston! i want nuka grenades again. oh bottlecap mines would be nice too!

And please god, Pork N' Beans! Love frying them on the campfire in my metal cooking pot when i make camp for the night.

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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:02 pm

Yes To hardcoe mode and Difficulty should be more then just 50% less damage 200% more damage. That I'm hoping changes in Fallout 4 but I'm not holding my breath. :tongue:

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leigh stewart
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:02 pm

They shouldn't touch the damage values with difficulty settings at all, or as little as possible. The hardships should come from inherent character aptitudes; in other words, from the way the character performs according to his skills and stats (and/or, since it is inherently an FPS game we're talking about, how much the skills distort the players control over the PC) -- that and the availability and maintaining gear and supplies.

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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:34 pm

But what you will get is a "dumned down" version of fallout 3 like skyrim was from previous elder scroll games. And everyone is gonna be like " FALLOUT 4 IS JUST A DUMNED DOWN BAD GAME FOR CASUALS! I grew up with fallout and bla bla"

Calling it now

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Solène We
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:59 pm

Meaningful choices that have real consequences and for the love of God, hire decent writers. My main concern though isn't what I want added but what they might take away, I hope they don't follow the same path they've taken with the Elder Scrolls, that of stipping more and more away with each release.

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Sophie Miller
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:29 pm

This! And, I think hardcoe mode should be a permanent option. It was so great to have that little devil called dehydration knocking at your door in New Vegas. Plus, I'm a crafter at heart so organizing and gathering supplies and having full days of just scouting and cooking was very entertaining.

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Queen Bitch
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:58 am

I hope that atleast 50% of the houses and buildings in Boston will be enterable. Judging by the trailer some of those bigger buildings weren't enterable (just like in Fallout 3) which svcks...

I know that there will be MORE THAN ENOUGH places to be enterable in the world. But I want to enter EVERYTHING. Probably mods will do that

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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:08 am

I feel like I've got a fair sense of the sort of game that Bethesda puts out by now, so I'm expecting a continuation of the sort of gameplay and focus they've done in the past.

At this point, Fallout 3 was something like 7 years ago - at the time I wasn't really on-board with the switch from turn-based to real-time combat and a de-emphasis on the consequences of the player's attributes and character creation choices. But since then I've got married, had a kid, held three different jobs, and moved half a dozen times. So I've kind of had time to move onto the "acceptance phase." (And Wasteland 2 helped scratch that itch anyway.)

What I expect from Fallout 4 is hopefully to build on and expand upon New Vegas' mechanics. Hopefully they'll also have put more thought into the overlying "logic" of the world so that the game world feels more like a contiguous setting of interconnected and related locales instead of a series of interesting places that don't necessarily fit together. I've always loved Bethesda's art direction and level design, and how each place tells it's own story - but Fallout 3 felt more like a bunch of interesting places sort of slapped down on a map. And New Vegas felt more like every place "fit" into the backstory created for the region and had a role to play (though unfortunately I also felt many of those locales looked rather lackluster and lacked Beth's penchant for level design and art direction.) So I'm wishing for sort of a middle-ground in the next game.

I really feel like better animations would go a long way with Bethesda's "immersion factor," (and that's never really been their strong suit.) The trailer looks like there's been some improvement there, even if I doubt I'm going to be blown away on that front.

Mechanically, I'd really like to see some balancing issues with the skills and leveling tweaked around a bit and I'd really like to see some more focus on attributes actually impacting how I approach the game this time out (whereas in previous installments I've felt like any character I make with nearly any combination of attributes can be played pretty much the same with similar results.) And some additions to VATS would be nice as well - I'm certainly hoping for more varied and interesting death scenes at the very least. I'm not looking for VATS to function as some sort of smashed-in psuedo-turn-based monstrosity - but certainly there's still some interesting things to explore with that mechanic I think.

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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:34 pm

This always make me laugh :D

I want:

1) More then 28 quests :stare:

2) More then half a dozen weapons

3) all the improvements that NV has (DT, iron sight, types of ammo, hardcoe mode etc)

4) consequences

5) humor

6) great history, well-set world and interesting NPCs

You want to know? I want everything that F3 was not.

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patricia kris
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:44 pm

I'm confident in Bethesda creating a visually stunning gameworld. My heartfelt wishes fall within what my opinion is being the single most core element in defining an RPG.

... choice and consequences.

This is probably the weakest to be implement by Beth developers. It's not reflected in previous installments to suggest otherwise. The game needs if not demands more arcing dialog and quest development. We need...

  • more than simple dialog execution.
  • quests that are only available from specifics. (facton, gear, gender, race, haircolor,... what you had for lunch.
  • multiple objective selections and the gameworld needs to evolve through gameplay to reflect those choices.
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:07 am

- Anything introduced in New Vegas. (hardcoe, worthwhile companions, shandification, etc.)

- Anything introduced in Project Nevada (Sprinting, Grenade Hotkey, Bull rushing, unique weapons, etc.)

- Rifle Bashing/pistol whipping/Bayonettes. Not a replacement for legit melee, but a suitable close-quarters defense for someone who isn't skilled in wielding a one handed blade. Enough to finish off a fleeing enemy or kill a minor enemy (ie a radroach) or knock off guard a charging enemy (IE A feral Ghoul)

- Secondary fire/attachments. Underbarrel grenade launchers and/or flashlights. The Pipboy light is good in a pinch but it shouldn't be the only source.
- Modification system separate from the attachment system IE Stalker COP. Or "Make your own unique"
- NPCs that are able to make use of the above. No more being the only person in the wasteland that can modify weapons.
- Companion command similiar to JIP's C&C mod.
- Ability to salvage, construct, and sell robots like with TalkieToaster's Robco Certified mod.
- More perks, and not just a stupid skill tree system that excludes non-skill based perks and makes it a pain in the ass to introduce new perks.

- Bounty hunting along the lines of Someguy's series.

- Ironsights. FFS Beth it's 2015. No more zoom-in-from-the-side style sighting.

- Companions that not only have backstory but also perks and quests for you to go on as you travel with them.

- Dynamic dungeons. IE if it isn't part of a main quest, you can go to a building and see it inhabited by raiders. You kill them, come back later, and instead of finding respawned raiders, you find critters. Or BOS. or Encalve remnants. Or Supermutants. Or a rival band of raiders. Or other wasters trying to loot anything you left behind. Or a mix of the above duking it out. Meanwhile the original tribe of raiders you killed is sending raiders from somewhere else to take it back.

- The ability to make our own choices based on our own pov rather than being shoehorned into a good/evil paradigm with a phony baloney "evil" opportunity shoehorned in at the end.

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Michelle davies
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:18 pm

More locations that turn out to be shadier than expected after some investigation--like Andale in F3, Doc Morbid in F1, etc. The opposite was the case for too many locations in previous games--they look interesting/mysterious at first but turn out to be not much once you have a look around.

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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:07 am


And in a past thread I suggest something like the customization of your own trusty weapon.

obviously not all weapons can be a Frankenstein, but take for example an automatic rifle. (guns)

You can put a bayonet in it (melee)
And a grenade launcher (explosive)
And some sort of flamethrower (energy weapons)

There are 4 categories of combat in a single weapon. I think it′s cool.

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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:47 am

  • A run button
  • Actual emphasis on survival
  • Iron sights
  • Gun mods/customization
  • More guns
  • Good characters
  • A good main quest and good side quests
  • Character customization
  • Freedom of choice
  • Good gun mechanics
  • No loading screens when entering buildings (Like in The Witcher 3)
  • The ability to marry. And make it worthwhile!
  • A UI that's easy to use
  • Some decent stealth mechanics
  • No black/white, good/evil choices

Yeah. I don't expect all of this, but there's hope! And I have no doubt the game will be AMAZING (in caps).

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Theodore Walling
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:14 am

1. Would like to see places build up and grow or fall apart based on our actions/support. E.g. patch up some water pipes leads to there being more food to buy in shops, guards have more health.

2. More things to hunt, F3 had limited wildlife would like to see more types. I would like the geckos to appear again however the location I can understand if they didn't.

3. Interesting mini games/activities. Would like to see some mutant fish, disapointed to see tribal village in NV with fish but I couldn't eat em :(

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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:54 am

What I would Like is:

- SIngle Player - No Multi-Player, No Co-Op

- I See Dirigibles so I would Love Some Fallout Tactics Relation (Someone above stated this as well).

- Seeing as we have Androids or whatever, I would like to see more robotic enemies, again akin to Fallout Tactics. Those underground spider jumping robots were scaretastic then. I am frankly tired of Super Mutants and they need to refresh the Secuitron/Sentry/Gutsy Enemy mix.

- Or at least "broken" or "crazed" androids. So much Bladerunner opportunity here.

- Minimal bugs on release. I can understand small ones but man the whole crashing debacle with NV just put me in a bad mood.

- Hybrid Weapons mods such as a AR with a Grenade Launcher. The trick being that it takes the average of two skills (rifles and explosives) which means that if you want to use it, you cannot focus singularly on one skill.

- Armor Mods

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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:37 pm

-Equivalents to the Jury-Rigging perk and Weapon Repair Kits from New Vegas, or non-degradable weapons/armor like in Skyrim. Either way I'm happy.

-If the protagonist is voiced, please let it only be during cutscenes, not fully-voiced like in Mass Effect or Dragon Age 2/Inquisition.

-At least 80 hours worth of gameplay. I know this is subjective, but on average it takes me 60 hours to play through Fallout 3 and 100 for New Vegas.

-No multiplayer.

-No Enclave. Their time has passed, let them stay dead.

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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:08 pm

  • Anything introduced in Energy Visuals Enhanced (EVE).
  • Anything introduced in IMPACT.
  • Anything introduced in Destruction (both versions)
  • Kill moves for melee and unarmed.
  • Control over said kill moves.
  • Ability to capture NPCs and turn them in alive for bounties. (Would probably be more fitting for TES but oh well.)
  • Fixed gun damage. Seriously, why does having 100 "Guns" suddenly make said weapon do 2x more damage? Instead, skills should focus on things like weapon accuracy, canibalize guns for parts, and the ability to perform special modifications to your weapon (instead of such things being purely repair skill. Repair is useless if you don't know how your gun operates).
  • A noticeable difference between (Ballistic) Guns and Energy Weapons. Okay here's the thing that most FPSes get wrong: the gun itself is not really what determines the damage/peircing output. They do not create a projectile they launch it. The gun is for the most part just a type of launcher: It's the bullet and what the shell is composed of that determines that. So guns should actually be "ranked" by the type of ammo they used, not some sort of arbitrary "gun ladder".
    Energy weapons on the other hand are a whole different type of monster. Unlike ballistic weapons there's no shell, the gun itself actually creates the projectile, so it should rely purely on the gun itself. On top of that energy weapons should generally do more damage and pierce harder. However, they should also break faster, be much more expensive to buy and maintain (but also more profitable to sell), etc.
  • Gauss split into two categories: Particle Projectors and "True" Gauss. The former being the FO3/NV type gauss rifles that use MFCs and act like "gauss plasmas" and are considered energy weapons. The latter being the M72 FO2/Stalker type gauss rifles that use 2mm gauss cartridges and go under Guns.
  • More types of energy weapons. Well, and more ballsitic guns and other types of weapons, but specifically more Energy Weapons.
  • Fire moved to Explosives. Seriously they just don't really fit in energy weapons.
  • Miniguns that are significantly different than Light Machines guns. Possibly requiring you to have some sort of strength-augmentation (IE power armor or exoskeletons) for you (or NPCs) to fire with any sort of accuracy and/or not have it damage yourself. Super Mutants are excluded from this restriction due to the fact that they have "built in" strength enhancement.
  • Other big weapons that require strength enhancement.
  • Exoskeletons. These act like "poorman's power armor". However, instead of being its own armor, you put them over your current armor. They offer large bonuses in carry weight and enable you to use bigger weapons more accurately (while having little effect on smaller weapons). However, they offer no protection on their own, they cannot be used with certain armors (IE legit power armors) they slow you down and disable your sprint (unless modified. Speaking of which...)
  • Armor modifications, just like with weapons.
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:43 am

I want a second radio station in Berklee College of Music that plays Jazz.

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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:42 pm

Seriously, the Samuel Adams Brewery and/or its theme song would be great tidbits to add in the game.

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Mr. Allen
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:08 pm

For the Survival skill to remain. The Survival skill is one of my favorites in new vegas and I always get bummed going back to playing fallout 3 and remembering the skill isn't there. Especially since a survival skill would've made more sense in that game.

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Anne marie
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:37 pm

Amazing guys! Remember we want Bethesda to look here and see their people speaking and agreeing on what they want.

-Better hardcoe Mode, Don't have to eat fo 3 days and not suffer something? Yah, that don't fly in the real world.

-Weapons that require you to wear certain armors or you will basically miss each shot. So Power Armor to be able to use the 50mg MiniGun

-More options to different genders/race/age. Like if your a female a lot of guys would comment on you and raiders would take more interest in you, just a thought. Males, depending on your build females would take more interest in you.

-Lifelike headgear. Like in Star Wars Republic Commando you'd see everything as if you are wearing their helmet, it was badass as hell! If Bethesda put this in games I would start doing more First Person than Third Person.

-SMART RAIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry but Fiend's would think twice before attacking a caravan marked by the Legion, but a girl in full Power Armor with enough ordinance to arm a [censored] army you'd go after? I'm sorry but that doesn't make any [censored] sense!

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Sammie LM
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:26 pm

Unfortunately if they are shooting at a October release, then it's basicaly too late for them to add mutch of anything.
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:51 am

It is a bit late to ask for things, but I see no harm in it either.

Grenade Button

Sprint Button

Iron Sights

More Immersive Weapon Mod System

Weapon/Armour Crafting

Companion Wheel


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