What We Want To See In Skyrim

Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:43 am

Menu support for multiple characters so I stop accidentally saving over my other characters' save files.
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:13 am

I would really like to see throwing weapons such as throwing knives and ESPECIALLY throwing axes. It would be absolutely awesome for your Viking-in-another-life Nord to throw his left hand axe at an NPC, then follow it up by hitting him/her with the right hand axe. I wasn't a real fan of the throwing weapons in Morrowind, but I can't see why they were removed in Oblivion when the arrows fired became "real" in-game objects, other than to save on texture files - though that being said, it could have been added as a perk/power attack for daggers and war axes to be thrown from say, skill level 25 onwards.

hardcoe Mode - is just dumb and inconvenient. Requirement to sleep forces a level up, requirement to eat forces the player to carry food or hang around towns. It would be exactly like being a vampire, except that you are disadvantaged for not feeding, not advantaged.

Improvement on Oblivion Leveled lists for monsters and daedra - it would be much better to have say, 1 minotaur lord and 3 trolls doing greater than normal damage in a room, than 1 minotaur lord and 3 minotaurs.. For me, it always felt like the leveled lists were generating too many chiefs and not enough Indians. There wasn't really a lot of variety in what you ran into in areas which contained daedra and monsters at high levels. The NPC leveled lists were good.

I'd also quite like to see an "instant kill" feature - in other words, there's a <1% chance that an attack could kill an enemy in one hit, if that enemy is at full health. Weak enemies fighting against the player at high levels would have this ability to balance it out.

I just read through the list in more detail. - The Labyrnthine dungeon from Arena almost certainly needs to be included again, if only to provide nostalgia for old fans. Having it be destroyed or sealed by geographical or other factors just seems a little cheap...
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:47 pm

Sorry for double post. I didn't think this through properly with the reply to Legolasindar's post..

- Return to old system of stats for weapons. Oblivion is a very simplistic version, iron damage 1, forged iron damage 2. A like more damage 2-6, 34-80, variability. Not all iron sword have same damage, depend manufacturing. I like more Iron Axe | Speed 50 | Range 30 | Damage 23-45 | +1 Agility | +13% Fire Damage, for example. Diferent types of objets, normal, magic, special, unique, etc...

- That you can not instantly change armor, armor change means more time and effort. That this is seen in the game.

- Limitation in weight and volume to transport. It has no logic, anyone can move, carrying two plate armor, in addition to that worn.

- Include more differents weapons. Swords, axes, morning stars, spears, javelins, shortbows, longbows, crossbows, throwing knives, axes droppable, sledge hammers, scimitars, bucklers, shields small, medium shields, tower shields, spears of cavalry, etc...

- Eliminate the system health points. Find another system to the typical, "I am under life, I drink a potion. " This is all I get is that the combat is based on, to see who has more potions of life, not skill and abilities of the warrior. " A good option will be used as other games, localized damage. Chest, left arm, right arm, left leg, etc ... If you get hurt on the left arm can not support the shield, if you get hurt in the leg limp. Is a system that works and is used by games like ArmA, Operation Flashpoint, Red Orchestra, etc. .. And avoid unrealistic based on the method of health points.

The weapons thing from Morrowind was just irritating.. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the damage range that the weapons did was hidden from the player, and was based on your skill. The fact that say, a slash did more than a hack in Morrowind, just meant that you altered your style of combat so that every attack was a slash.

I like the no-instant change armor idea. It should be a 30 second effect of unequip and re-equip, per item of apparel. It does feel pretty dumb when you just completely strip off all your clothes and replace them with your Sunday best while in combat.

.Very few people can move around completely naked carrying 2 full suits of plate armor, 3 shields and a wide selection of bows in their invisible pack while punching Scamps into Oblivion. The game needs a physical storage mechanism for people wondering how this is done.

More variety in types of weapons! Why was the variety of weapons from Morrowind ever removed?

The health system is exactly what I was getting at. Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast had an amazing lightsaber duel system where a duel with the same opponent could take 5 minutes or 1 second, using the same weapon. Oblivion has an amazing swordfighting duel system where a duel with the same opponent could take 10 minutes or 10 minutes using the same weapon. The one thing I don't agree with is permanent effects from zone based damage - if you get hurt on the right arm, you can't swing your weapon. So you lose the duel. So you exploit the mechanic by ALWAYS duel wielding weapons, and hitting NPC's in both arms until they can't use their weapons.
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:10 am

what i want to see is gore not like the near comical oh hey there goes a amputated leg gore of fallout 3 and new vegas but realistic gore but from what the most recent info says its been confirmed
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:27 pm

I want body part based damage like in Fallout 3.

There is a similar idea already on

Menu support for multiple characters so I stop accidentally saving over my other characters' save files.

Different save menus for different characters (Dragon Age style) to prevent overwriting wrong save--ADDED

I would really like to see throwing weapons such as throwing knives and ESPECIALLY throwing axes. It would be absolutely awesome for your Viking-in-another-life Nord to throw his left hand axe at an NPC, then follow it up by hitting him/her with the right hand axe. I wasn't a real fan of the throwing weapons in Morrowind, but I can't see why they were removed in Oblivion when the arrows fired became "real" in-game objects, other than to save on texture files - though that being said, it could have been added as a perk/power attack for daggers and war axes to be thrown from say, skill level 25 onwards.

hardcoe Mode - is just dumb and inconvenient. Requirement to sleep forces a level up, requirement to eat forces the player to carry food or hang around towns. It would be exactly like being a vampire, except that you are disadvantaged for not feeding, not advantaged.

Improvement on Oblivion Leveled lists for monsters and daedra - it would be much better to have say, 1 minotaur lord and 3 trolls doing greater than normal damage in a room, than 1 minotaur lord and 3 minotaurs.. For me, it always felt like the leveled lists were generating too many chiefs and not enough Indians. There wasn't really a lot of variety in what you ran into in areas which contained daedra and monsters at high levels. The NPC leveled lists were good.

I'd also quite like to see an "instant kill" feature - in other words, there's a <1% chance that an attack could kill an enemy in one hit, if that enemy is at full health. Weak enemies fighting against the player at high levels would have this ability to balance it out.

I just read through the list in more detail. - The Labyrnthine dungeon from Arena almost certainly needs to be included again, if only to provide nostalgia for old fans. Having it be destroyed or sealed by geographical or other factors just seems a little cheap...

- Throwing Weapons

- Only one boss enemy per dungeon

- Rare instant kills, affected by luck stat

The Labyrinthine idea is already on

Other than that, all ADDED

Sorry for double post. I didn't think this through properly with the reply to Legolasindar's post..

The weapons thing from Morrowind was just irritating.. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the damage range that the weapons did was hidden from the player, and was based on your skill. The fact that say, a slash did more than a hack in Morrowind, just meant that you altered your style of combat so that every attack was a slash.

I like the no-instant change armor idea. It should be a 30 second effect of unequip and re-equip, per item of apparel. It does feel pretty dumb when you just completely strip off all your clothes and replace them with your Sunday best while in combat.

.Very few people can move around completely naked carrying 2 full suits of plate armor, 3 shields and a wide selection of bows in their invisible pack while punching Scamps into Oblivion. The game needs a physical storage mechanism for people wondering how this is done.

More variety in types of weapons! Why was the variety of weapons from Morrowind ever removed?

The health system is exactly what I was getting at. Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast had an amazing lightsaber duel system where a duel with the same opponent could take 5 minutes or 1 second, using the same weapon. Oblivion has an amazing swordfighting duel system where a duel with the same opponent could take 10 minutes or 10 minutes using the same weapon. The one thing I don't agree with is permanent effects from zone based damage - if you get hurt on the right arm, you can't swing your weapon. So you lose the duel. So you exploit the mechanic by ALWAYS duel wielding weapons, and hitting NPC's in both arms until they can't use their weapons.

I did leave the damage idea off for the reasons you stated. As for the clothing idea, people would just run around until 30 seconds had passed, maybe that could be added into the "hardcoe mode" Variety in weapons and new health system is already on.

what i want to see is gore not like the near comical oh hey there goes a amputated leg gore of fallout 3 and new vegas but realistic gore but from what the most recent info says its been confirmed

Realistic Gore--ADDED
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:39 pm

Am I the only person who kinda hoped they built soft hair into the game engine? I'm tired of seeing those rigid and non-interactive hair meshes. GPUs these days are powerful enough to render real-time soft hair physics...
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Andrea P
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:12 am

There is a similar idea already on

Different save menus for different characters (Dragon Age style) to prevent overwriting wrong save--ADDED

- Throwing Weapons

- Only one boss enemy per dungeon

- Rare instant kills, affected by luck stat

The Labyrinthine idea is already on

Other than that, all ADDED

I did leave the damage idea off for the reasons you stated. As for the clothing idea, people would just run around until 30 seconds had passed, maybe that could be added into the "hardcoe mode" Variety in weapons and new health system is already on.

Realistic Gore--ADDED

Oh yeah, I was just restating the idea for effect and voicing my own opinion.

Yes, permanent effects from damage is BAD. however, zone based damage is important. Honestly, how many people do you know shrug off having a large, heavy, sharp object shoved into their brain, or through their chest? Go find a copy of Jedi Outcast, you'll see what I mean. The overall health system was points based, which was useful with all missile weapons and force use, but the lightsaber combat had some nifty little mechanic which meant that if the dark jedi shoved their lightsaber through the player's chest, the player was pretty much dead. I mean come on, you don't get rewarded for skill and precision in this great series of games, one of the few flaws.. It's all about the hack and slash. Halo on the easiest difficulty requires more thought than the combat mechanics in this series.

Instantly changing armor is just fully unrealistic. It's not an annoyance like the hardcoe mode, it wouldn't make much impact on the game play, other than not letting the player exploit the game mechanics.. Let's face it, sneaking into a dungeon in your 90% chameleon clothes, then screwing it up and being attacked by a horde of marauders and being able to instantly change into your impenetrable suit of armor is just stupid. Having a period where the player is vulnerable (but still able to move) is a good compromise
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:29 am

Am I the only person who kinda hoped they built soft hair into the game engine? I'm tired of seeing those rigid and non-interactive hair meshes. GPUs these days are powerful enough to render real-time soft hair physics...

I think it's on the list... That or cloth physics. And while I agree it's inclusion (as well as many other features) would be totally badass, I doubt a lot of it will make the cut.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:34 am

Mraajdaar, being new to these forums, there is ONE THING that you need.

So... without further adue, have a http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.justsaypictures.com/images/fishy-stick.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.justsaypictures.com/fishy-stick.html&usg=__OaFb4IDOiY_krUG784aLsRWVl94=&h=230&w=140&sz=8&hl=en&start=0&sig2=67tUttPa03k-sSdIduXOgw&zoom=1&tbnid=I863M73EZi9OFM:&tbnh=133&tbnw=80&ei=oethTdfwLoOB8gaVnrTlCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3DFishy%2Bstick%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D710%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=349&vpy=380&dur=234&hovh=184&hovw=112&tx=73&ty=77&oei=oethTdfwLoOB8gaVnrTlCw&page=1&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:0
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:10 am

Since this is a more active thread I'm going to add my suggestions from another thread (if any are the same then oh well).
Firstly, the ability to do something with gems e.g. encrusted weapons/armour, maybe having someone who can make jewelled armour/weapons/jewellry rather than just having them and they do nothing.
Secondly, maybe owning a shop more freedom with it not just investing in one; being able to hire/fire people.
Thirdly, maybe an experimental form of Transmogrification. Would have been nice in Oblivion to turn Lazare Milvan into a rat even if just for 30 seconds. Perhaps Teleportation, would probably have to set the destination at the spell making alter maybe a special one would be needed. (This one isn't necessary it was just a random thought).
Finally, references to Terry Pratchett and/or his novels my reason for this (and it is a good one) is here (my first post on that page): http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1166666-things-you-would-like-to-see-in-skyrim/page__st__20
That's all. For now...
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joseluis perez
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:41 am

Am I the only person who kinda hoped they built soft hair into the game engine? I'm tired of seeing those rigid and non-interactive hair meshes. GPUs these days are powerful enough to render real-time soft hair physics...

Better hair texture and physics, with more hairstyles ability to make hair softer or more coarse --ADDED

I think it's on the list... That or cloth physics. And while I agree it's inclusion (as well as many other features) would be totally badass, I doubt a lot of it will make the cut.

Better looking clothes, with realistic movements and texture--ADDED

I really hope a bunch of these ideas make it into the game!

Mraajdaar, being new to these forums, there is ONE THING that you need.

So... without further adue, have a http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.justsaypictures.com/images/fishy-stick.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.justsaypictures.com/fishy-stick.html&usg=__OaFb4IDOiY_krUG784aLsRWVl94=&h=230&w=140&sz=8&hl=en&start=0&sig2=67tUttPa03k-sSdIduXOgw&zoom=1&tbnid=I863M73EZi9OFM:&tbnh=133&tbnw=80&ei=oethTdfwLoOB8gaVnrTlCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3DFishy%2Bstick%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D710%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=349&vpy=380&dur=234&hovh=184&hovw=112&tx=73&ty=77&oei=oethTdfwLoOB8gaVnrTlCw&page=1&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:18,s:0

Thanks dude

Since this is a more active thread I'm going to add my suggestions from another thread (if any are the same then oh well).
Firstly, the ability to do something with gems e.g. encrusted weapons/armour, maybe having someone who can make jewelled armour/weapons/jewellry rather than just having them and they do nothing.
Secondly, maybe owning a shop more freedom with it not just investing in one; being able to hire/fire people.
Thirdly, maybe an experimental form of Transmogrification. Would have been nice in Oblivion to turn Lazare Milvan into a rat even if just for 30 seconds. Perhaps Teleportation, would probably have to set the destination at the spell making alter maybe a special one would be needed. (This one isn't necessary it was just a random thought).
Finally, references to Terry Pratchett and/or his novels my reason for this (and it is a good one) is here (my first post on that page): http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1166666-things-you-would-like-to-see-in-skyrim/page__st__20
That's all. For now...

Could you elaborate more on your first idea? The second idea is already on the list.

Transmogrification spells, which while being hard to pull off, can change enemy's species ( Think Wabbajack) -- ADDED
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Add Meeh
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:10 am

I made a thread on this: CHARACTER RECUSTOMIZATION. Big want.

Also someone mentioned in the thread "better lighting at intial character customization."
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carley moss
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:44 am

I made a thread on this: CHARACTER RECUSTOMIZATION. Big want.

Also someone mentioned in the thread "better lighting at intial character customization."

Ability to shave your beard, get a haircut, and get a tattoo--ADDED
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:23 pm

I've changed my mind. With possibly no spell creation, no need to delete old spells.
But the ability, which is out according to OPSM, to parry with a one handed weapon is somewhat important to me.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:13 am

I've changed my mind. With possibly no spell creation, no need to delete old spells.
But the ability, which is out according to OPSM, to parry with a one handed weapon is somewhat important to me.

Still, deleting spells couldn't hurt. To a spell caster, having flare, fire ball, and flash bolt was unnecessary.

Ability to parry attacks with weapons and shields--ADDED
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Post » Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:17 pm

Still, deleting spells couldn't hurt. To a spell caster, having flare, fire ball, and flash bolt was unnecessary.

Ability to parry attacks with weapons and shields--ADDED

Good man.
Though some surmise, with what little evidence we have, that you obtain a basic element spell and that is it, no new spells, you alter the AoE with perks, and the damage levels up with your destruction skill. It remains to be seen, but both systems have their merits.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:38 am

Good man.
Though some surmise, with what little evidence we have, that you obtain a basic element spell and that is it, no new spells, you alter the AoE with perks, and the damage levels up with your destruction skill. It remains to be seen, but both systems have their merits.

Do you have a link? Not that i'm doubting you but..
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Isabella X
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:41 am

Right to doubt, this is pure conjecture thats been knocking about.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:09 pm

it would be cool if the player could run their own shop.....like in your adventures u could find things than put in your shop and hire npc to work there....awesome!
order packs of stuff from other shops to sell in your own,pay taxes,design your prices,etc.. leave the npc there selling while u go out and buy/do whatever u want
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Trista Jim
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:25 am

oh and it would be cool if the player could an inn too
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:35 am

it would be cool if the player could run their own shop.....like in your adventures u could find things than put in your shop and hire npc to work there....awesome!
order packs of stuff from other shops to sell in your own,pay taxes,design your prices,etc.. leave the npc there selling while u go out and buy/do whatever u want

oh and it would be cool if the player could an inn too

These ideas are already on!
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Paula Rose
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:22 am

Right to doubt, this is pure conjecture thats been knocking about.

I believe if done well, a little like Dragon Age, it would look very nice. Anyone have ideas for the UI?
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Post » Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:28 pm

Okay, Ive read as much as I can here atm, where to start, I definetly need those Psychic guards gone, or some way to block, their powers of detection
If I a repeating some ideas sorry,
1. I saw a suggestion for a better land map, what I would like to see is icon changes on map, for found, explored, quest related, icon change colour, depending on
what you have done there, also add all the roads, on the Map, for OBV4 I made my own map with all the roads on, as they do not appear on the vanilla version ( also a
map magnification ability)

2. Please make the caves look like caves ^^
3. Face generator, please change the way the colours work, to say a CMYK mixer, at present in OBV, it is a huge headache (atm it is a weird RGB mixer with strange
4. I saw Crossbows mentioned, :goodjob:
5. I saw workable carts mentioned here, :goodjob:
I think that about covers me and Oblivion, :biggrin:
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:59 pm

Alright I shall try to elaborate that idea. It is purely aesthetic unless we go the way of Baldur's Gate and have gems that can be added to weapons that give different effects, however considering Oblivion that would be pointless.
I'm talking about taking those gems that get collected on your travels and being able to put them into(i.e. encrust) weapons/swords/jewelry thus increasing price and also the grandeur of your weapons/armour/jewelry, rather than just leaving them lying around or selling them. Maybe there could be a jewel merchant, who could possibly be just a waste of space but then again the jewels are so at least they would match. But as I said the idea, much like the gems themselves, is useless and money waster but it just gives a use to the gems. Is that a better explanation or am I repeating myself? Apologies if I am.
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Post » Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:17 am

Getting people the option to get rid of points of interest in the compass (so you're not told about every cave/shack/shrine/whatever that is right out of sight, but encouraging you to find it yourself), and giving people to rely on journal notes/directions to complete quests instead of having quest markers (which often railroad you right to the next objective.)

I made a topic discussing these issues: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1168354-having-a-toggle-for-the-compass-optional-journal-quest-notes/

Other than that I'm pretty happy as a clam. Fast travel issues are a big concern of mine, but I'd still be able to play the game and fully enjoy it, whereas these two points are my main issue.

And, if I could ask for anything and hope for it to be in the game ... making a dragon skull helm. I want the face of a dragon on my face.
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