today i did the quest "lights out" and when i finally made it to broken oar grotto and fought blackblood marauders and when i got about half way through the cave all of a sudden Jaree-Ra attacked me (scared the bleep out of me).
today i did the quest "lights out" and when i finally made it to broken oar grotto and fought blackblood marauders and when i got about half way through the cave all of a sudden Jaree-Ra attacked me (scared the bleep out of me).
When I saw Maven Black-Briar's repulsive face.
After killing several hundreds of them, I still find the dragons scary...
Every time I hear a bear violently throwing spit at my back and die in an instant without even being prepared for crapping my pants.
The modern day Nords... What they have become... *shivers*
I'd have to say that even though skyrim is my favourite game this is an area it's lacking in, I couldn't count the truly terrifying moments I had in fallout 3 (especially before I learned about vats, which was nearly an entire playthrough) and even some in fallout NV, but I can't think of any in skyrim to be honest. Even the dragons aren't scary at all. The difficult moments were more just irritating than scary (and they came from dragon priests and hagravens at lower levels).
Must say that Even back in oblivion as well as in skyrim Freggin rats where always the one thing that scared the heck out of me all the freggin time. Damn those critters can jump like 5 meters at you. Always cought me by surprise.