» Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:23 pm
Starcraft 2 sold 3.16mill copies (http://www.vgchartz.com/worldtotals.php?name=Starcraft+&publisher=&console=&genre=&minSales=0&results=50&sort=Total)
roughly around $65 a pop
so roughly $205,400,000
Starcraft ii according to the NY times has spent OVER $100,000,000 on just advertising.
So because it was over $100,000,000 we will estimate $110,000,000.
205,400,000 - 110,000,000 = 95,400,000
So we are at $95,400,000
Blizzard has roughly 4,600 employees, but for the sake of it we will take off half for those who may not have worked on SC2.
so now we are at 2,300 employees.
The average employee for a major game developer starts at about $50,000 and that is for grunt work.
out of that 2,300 i would guess about 2,000 of those do grunt work.
2,000 x 50,000 = 100,000,000
95,400,000 - 100,000,000 = -4,600,000
Now we have 300 relativity higher payed employees. They would get roughly $75,000
75,000 x 300 = 22,500,000
-4,600,000 - 22,500,000 = -27,100,000
So not one bit of profit from the developer alone.
Now they have numerous companies like Microsoft pitching in a few million, lets say $6,000,000 and Mac pitched in $6,000,000 because they are major contributors to this game. we are now at $12,000,000
-27,100,000 + 12,000,000 = -15,100,000
Still no profit.
I believe the publisher is 3DO and because of that they most likely pitched in the most money. lets say $12,000,000 this is covering the cost to put on disk, office space, etc.
-15,100,000 + 12,000,000 = -3,100,000
So still in debt.
And finally hardware manufactures may have played a roll. Since i am not 100% sure which one did i will say Intel and Nvidia because they are the obvious ones that come to mind. Lets say, together intel and Nvidia spent $2,500,000 each totaling $5,000,000.
-3,100,000 + 5,000,000 = 1,900,000
So they made $1.9million in profit.
Conclusion: because i used SC2 as an example because you brought it up; they proved that they could not make much of a profit off the game. This is do that they did the stupid thing of spending an outrageous amount of money on advertising. So dont give me this crap that they make money without the help of these other companies. Now if they were multiplat Sony would have chipped in for the PS3 and MS would have pitched a little more for the 360.
As you can CLEARLY see. without the companies they were OVER $25,000,000 in debt.