» Fri May 04, 2012 8:03 am
On my current playthrough, Arcade has a nasty habit of teleporting. After telling him to wait in the novac hotel room, I went to go pay the Brotherhood a visit. After emerging from the bunker, I had the nasty suprise of seeing arcade's marker at the top of black mountian (which I had neglected to clear out at this point). Since I play DiD hardcoe, It's an understatement to say I was frazzled. I made a mad dash for the summit from hidden valley, armed only with lucky and my gecko-backed leather armor, This resulted in me arriving just in time to save arcade from dieing at the hands of anabelle, and with 6-10 crazy supermutants behind me. In a glorious fit of luck (and after retrieveing the Q-35 from gannons inventory) we both survived, standing amoung the corpses of supermutants. It's probably the most memorable moment i've had in ~400 hours of playing.