» Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:37 pm
Honest Hearts. It may be because I played it at an extremly low character (level 5 or 6), as my first DLC, and maybe the fact I travelled light (Combat Knife, Weathered 10mm Pistol (w/ 100 rounds), Lightweight Leather, some purified water, food items and stims and the Healing Powder from Goodsprings). This lack of items in a relatively hostile environment in hardcoe mode on a Dead is Dead character? Well, it was really fun. The initial shock of the power of the white legs led me to fear them, and the fact that they wasted so much of my ammo so I was stuck with the Combat Knife, well, being left with a melee weapon on a character who had invested a lot of their points into barter, it's pretty thrilling. I mean, some things which I suppose might start the adrenaline pumping in a normal character, such as the Yao Guai scripted sequence? That really, really got me worried.
Other things about Honest Hearts stuck in my mind, such as the way my character had to live of the land to survive. I swear, I was looking out for every little Nevada Agave fruit! :liplick: I really enjoyed camping out on the top of ridges, conserving bullets, etc, looking over the map and deciding which route to my objective looked safest, based on things like water supply, hight advantage and visibility. I distinctly remember a few occasions where I watched White Legs and Dead Horse tribals fight out, waiting to ambush the victor should he be a hostile White Leg, and then claiming what reward I could. This made the world of the Zion campground feel really 'alive'.
None of the othe DLC's had this 'alive' feeling in them. For example, Old World Blues, my second favourite DLC, has the exploration and route planning found in Honest Hearts, but the fact that the Lobotomites seemed to just spawn out of no-where really broke my immersion in the world. The same can be said for Lonesome Road, however with a distinct LACK of route planning an exploratin; enemies, particularly deathclaws it seemed, would spawn out of no-where. I particularly remember one moment in which a deathclaw spawned EVERY SINGLE TIME I ENTERED THIS BUS! It was annoying. Truely.
I'd probably have like Dead Money better if it played better. There wer around 4 times during this DLC where my actions made it impossible to complete due to oversights by the developer. (One time, every time I went through a door my collar exploded. This was because my companions were setting off my mines, and dying, killing me.) This was a huge letdown as I think I'll need to replay the DLC to get the full experience. I just don't think the DLC had the same bugfixes and polish found in both the standard game and the other DLCs.