Beginning of Mass Effect 2. And the climix I guess.
Telltale's The Walking Dead. Probably the most I've sobbed uncontrollably from a video game.
Duck's death.
Lee Everett's death.
Mass Effect 3 was also one that made my eyes watery for a bit.
Mordin's death.
Thane's death.
A moment near the end of Shadow of the Colossus really blew me away the first time.
Big spoiler...
Arriving for the first time in Columbia in Bioshock Infinite was breathless and the music that played made it more so.
speaking of Bioshock Infinite I love the way Burial at Sea EP.1 ended...See my avatar for sample. The scene that took place was great.
Oh come on, now I think you're just mentioning The Witcher for the hell of it. What part of it was so emotional exactly in either game?
I'd say the Persona 3 and FFX endings score pretty high. I get emotional rather easily so it's not something that rarely occurs to me.
The beginning of Mass Effect 3. It's the music, man.
Also this.
Recently, Mass Effect 3
I'm rarely moved by games or movies. Books can make me cry, not visual media. Probably the closest would be an Alistair sacrifice ending in Dragon Age Origins, though it's then spoiled by your stupid companions not even mentioning him.
First off, please don't laugh. When I first got Oblivion I didn't read any spoiler posts in the forums, so I had no idea how the main quest ended. When it happened and there was the little monologue at the end by Sean Bean as the music played and the camera panned around the Imperial City I admit I got a little teary-eyed.
Nami and Yasumi's bad ending in Aoi Shiro, along with Kei's death in Akai Ito,
Along with most deaths in MGS.
The walking dead Game season 1 ending.
Surprisingly, Gears of War 2.. when Dom finds his wife. I never thought Gears of War of all games was capable of evoking such an emotional response from me.
The other one was Mass Effect 3, specifically the control ending. When you've invested as many hours into Shepard as I had throughout the years, and you tried your best to be the "good guy" and finally save the world, the way it had to happen really tugged at my heartstrings. It felt like the right way to go out.
Skyrim when I couldnt disable killcams.
That reminds me...I got choked up at the ending of Metal Gear Solid 4 at the Arlington Cemetery with Big Boss and Solid (Old) Snake.
The whole Diablo 3 experience was a rather sad one.Seeing a good hack and slash series turned into a steaming pile of manure is going to make anyone sad.