» Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:06 pm
Great start OP, I love that kind of stuff. It will just make the next playthrough, that much better.
My two events haven't been very epic, I'm afraid. My little, 100 total HP, Breton Conjurer tries to avoid direct combat, as much as possible. If she is close to a populated area, then that's where she heads. The last one was somewhat more exciting. She has a Flame Atro. to summon now. The Dragon just happen to be a Frost Dragon. I assume they are weak to fire. The FA done some serious damage. While my fragile little Bret, hid under a porch. The towns people and guards helped out. When the Dragon finally came down, he landed right in front of the porch. 2 seconds, 1 shout, a large blast of the frost breath, and 80 HPs later, I got REAL nervous. She is level 7 and I'm playing her Dead Is Dead.
Luckily, she had a few strong potions on her. After slamming down a +75 Health, a Frost Res and a Magicka boost, she made it into an alley. Just as she turned the corner, she dropped a fresh FA, that finished the Dragon off. My heart was about to pound out of my chest.
This game is the greatest thing, since they put red in a tomato.