so naturally i gravitate towards bretons for there 50% magic resistance (or 25%..whatever)
question is what do i use weaponwise? the perks seem almost pointless as im sure bleeding doesnt scale, i have no idea what criticals do in this game and im betting theres plenty of enemies with no armor and but tons of hp.
im thinking shield because twohand seems on my nord...kinda worthless really. the blocking is fail even when time spent on it, and you dont get the option of multiple enchants and such.
dualwield seems like more damage but no defense at all, in a game as floaty as this i dont trust the mechanics to carry itself thru. so shield it is.
but what after that?
light armor or heavy?
block/onehand is obviosu
i dont power enchat/blacksmithing but i do use em
so spell schools...hmm...alteration is fun, i don tlike companions so conjuration is probably out. destruction seems like such a onetrick utility to it. illusion is flat out boring...i remember illusion of dnd stuff where you could go invisible and create phantasms and such...way more interesting.