Please tell me I want to know! And this is not a game by the way
Please tell me I want to know! And this is not a game by the way
None. To even think of doing battle with Alduin's children. Such blasphemy is punishable by death through vigorous torture! Repent for your blasphemous thoughts!
I can never seem to hit a dragon while its moving, and there's usually plenty of cover to hide from its mid-air attacks, so I prefer sword and shield.
Or sword + Spellbreaker.
The very ice and snow of skyrim itself.
Someone's getting a BIG HEAD
I'm feeling cheesy today.
25 arrows? What the Hell? I tried killing Mirmulnir at level 25 with 500 arrows and couldn't do it. Granted, I am playing on master with Enhanced Super Mighty Dragons, but still.
25 arrows? That is sad to be able to that to a Dragon at any level or difficulty. They should be the utmost feared enemy in the game.
As far as any Dragon in general.. It depends on the character. Some never pick up a weapon.
Anything less than this isn't as fun.
Shields are overrated! A sword and whatever I conjure to assist me.
Magic ... Or if it has to be a weapon, a bound sword (no shield)
Of those choices, the bow.