I would like to see the return of a rifle like Lincoln's Repeater. We also need a full auto shotgun for tough opponents . I think they should include the "Pancor Jackhammer", it's basically the coolest shotgun ever.
probably not. the katana im talking about is from mother ship zeta and was supposed to be an authentic samurai katana. although the chinese officer swords svcked imo and i wouldn't mind them getting a better look
I would like to see a more modular upgrade approach. Of course, logically, this would mean the PC would have been a master gunsmith/laser/plasmasmith, which is problematic. Maybe have a NPC you can rescue (or enslave if you want your "grey morality" nonsense) who would upgrade your weapons.
-SuperSledge from the originals.
-Shocksword from Fallout 3.
-Explosive tipped Spears from Mad Max. (Along with a general rework of thrown weapons to be fully viable, 100% recover rate, and cool perks.)
-Wrist Crossbow from Mad Max.
-Pancor Jackhammer from the originals.
A Calvary sword
Flintlock pistol/rifle,,, for the lulz.
- Melee weapons that can double as ranged weapons in VATS.
For example, you have a baseball bat you can use for traditional bashing of heads, or, if you have picked up baseballs, bat them into enemies from a distance in VATS, similar to the Rock-It Launcher. Nothing like hitting a home run into a raider's head with the Bloody Mess perk.
Weapons that have effect(s) on enemies, like the dartgun in Fallout 3, that causes enemies to move slower. Perhaps stun weapons?
basically: Keep every weapon in NV, add more EW to the list, add more revolvers to the list. Bam. Done.
Ah my favorite god weapon, the MIRV. Put that into the game so I can console command myself thousands of mini nukes and I'll give a whole new meaning to the word, wasteland.
All the weapons from New Vegas. Not sure if the cowboy themed lever action guns would fit in the world of Boston.
A way to melee attack with a weapon would be great, something like a butt stroke with a rifle or a pistol whip. Attachable bayonets would be really cool, especially a ripper version.
Some sort of lightning type weapon like they had in District Nine.
My dream would be a semi-auto gauss style rifle with an attached ripper bayonet.
Model 1859 NCO Sword. < American as Apple Pie, unlike a Katana
Double Barrel Shotgun.
A Pump Action 12 Gauge Combat Shotgun, with a Bayonet, usable as a Rifle and Melee Weapon.
Plasma Torch, a better version of Burnmaster, makes Goo Piles instead of Corpses.
Gauss Rifle.
A Holorifle.
25 MM Grenade APW.
Hoping for the continued existence of the Anti materiel rifle, plasma defender,bumper sword and of course the Greased lightning.
Gauss pistol from Fallout2.
I would like to see bayonets as a modification for most rifles.
I am a man of simple taste, i want the police revolver from dead money to make a return. Nothing better than a duty sized .357 magnum revolver, most versatile gun in the world, but please make it fire in double action mode instead of single i honestly did not understand why they did that. And please add a pump shotgun and let ya mod it into a birdshead like
Oh and a claw hammer, why has tactics been the only game we get one in
more bolt action weapons
heavy machine guns
less energy weapons
All of the classic plus some new ones! And please bring back the iron sights from NV!
Punching daggers (for unarmed slashy-fighting and dismemberment. *drools*).
Maybe handcrafted, I would love some in the style of the bumbersword or something
My fav weapon in Fallout 3 was the combat shotgun. I would be very pleased to see it return.