Indeed - I hope when they are talking about "base weapons" that there isn't only one assault rifle and everything else (the variety!) is added by mods (I am hoping that the mods apply to all of the multiple assault rifle type weapons), because that would be boring as hell -.- (at least after a while, when you have tried all the mods)
What I personally hope to see are bows and crossbows (because they are basically silent and can be used with many different types of ammo - from steel tipped ones to poisoned ones, burning ones, to explosive ones and even some with plasma or pulse type ammo...hell, you can even fire arrows with a zip-line or an anchor so you can get onto buildings) and something that works under water 
I'd love a rocket-launcher with a guided missile (that I can fire on an indirect trajectory - like over hills and walls!) etc. etc.
greetings LAX
ps: Something like the gravity-gun from Half Life would be nice, too (or something that fires (spinning!) saw-blades