As the title says, what weapons would you like to see added (or kept from previous fallout games) into Fallout 4?
I hope we get a nice variety like in New Vegas, Fallout 3 was a bit bare-bones for my liking. I particularly want a nice selection of semi-automatic rifles (i.e Service/Survivalist's Rifle, Battle Rifle, Marksman Carbine, etc).
Riot Shotgun. And the Shotgun Surgeon, and And STAY back, perks. It's fun to go wading thru deathclaws, and not get a scratch.
I like LMGs, so a variety of those would be nice.
Edit: and sniper rifles.
Guns, lots of guns And the ability to mod them and make hand loaded ammo. Oh and iron sights, we must have iron sights.
I personally like the long range scoped variety, preferably silenced, 'Varmint Rifle' fully modded early game before moving on to sniper rifles proper, with something like the 'Hunting Shotgun' or 'Riot Shotgun' for if they get too close with 'That Gun' as my personal back up
Basically similar weapons to F:NV
Edit: Nearly forgot, I'd prefer a lot more unique guns/weapons. Make them feel more personal, like they were lovingly cared for by one person, or handed down father to son etc.
I love the game changers. Silenced weapons from long enough range would let you take out almost anyone with impunity. It was the only way I could be idolized by all factions.
To that end, any stealth weapons would fit my style and appreciated. Bows and arrows and special throwing weapons would be cool.
I don't think I ever messed much with the fat man, miniguns, and other big toys, but my .556 rifle from Sunny with a silencer was with me for all 400 hours.
A cryo-rifle. Freezing the enemies and then smashing them to bits.
Also, some kind of electric discharge gun would be cool too.
Shotguns that can fire buck or actual slug and/or 12 gauge explosives,
I also would like something like the Light my flare
My main suggestions are regarding DLC.
If there is a Ronto DLC then there are three main things I'd like to see.
1. World War Two style weapons; namely the Lee-Enfield No. 4, though fallout-ified. The Bren and Sten would be cool to see as well, but the Lee-Enfield is the biggest thing I wish to see. Customizability would be essential and a usable bayonet for an alternative weapon mode on the Lee would be fantastic. (Honestly, attachable, usable melee weapons for guns is one of my main hopes for many weapons.)
2. Sports equipment weapons. Hockey sticks make sense, but they would have to be stylized for the Fallout Universe. My thought was something resembling a scythe with a spear tip or halberd. Also the use of lacrosse sticks for lobbing grenades further would be neat. Things such as this.
3. Aboriginal styled weapons. Bows and arrows being constructible, along with tomahawks with throwing and melee abilities. Being able to go full mountain man, abstaining from technology, it would be interesting to see and implement.
I'm not sure all of these, or any of them, fit into bethesda's vision for Canada, but I would like to see Canada be more than just and American wasteland, I'd like it to have it's own distinct culture and backdrop. I want it to be more than just typical Canadian stereotypes, but at the same time, stereotypes and tropes are a huge part of what build the dark satire of Fallout. I hope Bethesda sees these suggestions, though I'll give them the credit of assuming they've already thought of all my suggestions and weighed each of them on their merits. This is just my personal opinion.
In terms of returning weapons, I'd like the double barreled shotgun from Fallout 3, with the sawed-off being simply a customization, found around the wasteland with its unmodified counterpart.
I'd like unique weapons to have their own unique aesthetic too, at least a little bit, to make them stand out and feel truly interesting.
Simple. A stick grenade, just like the plasma grenade in Halo.
Energy weapons, lots of Energy weapons. There's nothing i like better than the smell of plasma in the morning.
More interested in/hoping that any weapon mods we can attach to our weapons change how the gun looks and any other ways to personalize the weapon we carry.
I'd really like for every gun to have 2 or three unique sights or stocks(and maybe a broken version of each) that we can repair/transfer over from the weapons we find to the weapons we're using. Anything to really personalize the weapons we're using really.
Gauss rifles, my favorite weapon of the fallout games. Variations of the gauss rifle would be cool too.
Im definitly going to want some revolvers and some hand canons for sure. i'd be a little let down to not have a few options of that weapon type, but there is no way that there won't be some mods made for them so I'd survive.
12.7 mm SMG is my favorite weapon and That Gun is pretty awesome. Light Machine Gun was pretty sweet as well. I am also Plasma-crazy. I absolutely love Plasma weapons...
id like to see basicly all the weapons from previous games especially the autoaxe and anti-material rifle as these were some of my favs. mabye some uniques referencing the history of the u.s. as a whole since boston itself is so old. something like a cow that when killed drops a flamethrower owned by mrs o'leary. or a rebar club called plemith rock
I would love to see the Chinese assault rifle again!
oh! and it would be cool to see a katana make a return as well, but in FO3 that was a special situation so I doubt it.