I don't see it advertising, plus it's TES related. The OP didn't say, "Hello everyone, I'm selling these T-Shirt."
So you don't think that direct linking to a product for sale is not advertising because it wasn't stated in the post? I suppose it would be okay to link to a nvde photo as long as you didn't tell anyone in the post? Whichever side of the link the pitch is on, it is still a pitch.
"We do not allow threads to be created for things such as classified advertising for business, sales, or to seek users/moderators for your personal forum."Look, I'm not complaining, nor running to the moderators. This was just a friendly word to the OP
yeah believe me i didnt join a year ago to wait till right now to advertise my online t-shirt store... just check the pic at the link
If you want to link to a pic of your t-shirt, great! That's what I suggested in my post Like http://i46.tinypic.com/f9egiu.jpg