Disclaimer: Everyone has their own personal opinion and everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you don't agree then that's fine.
You know there are times when I feel like facepalming or head desking. As I question things that make my head explode.
One of my Personal Gripes and is commonly a gripe of others is the way they did customization.
The fact that before you leave Helgen you cannot fix any issues and have to go through the unskippable content all over again. They fixed this by adding the face sculptor in one of the DLCs, but it was Beths mistake for not allowing us to change our appearance if we got things wrong the first time, so why does she cost 1000 gold? Uh uh no. She should be free considering that I have to make a Out of Character, Out of RP trip to her if I have to fix something.
So I have option of
-Going through UnSkippable content
-Going to Riften because I rather not have to watch for the forty thousandth time the attack on Helgen
And I know the argument. "Just roll with your characters flaws". Which my response is I'm a terribly vain human being and want my characters to look as I imagined them.
Another gripe is no piece metal or piece clothing. And gender based clothing. At least at least in Oblivion there were a few pair of pants that females could wear. One of my biggest biggest biggest reasons why I don't play female characters is because Bethseda decided that females would be okay with just dresses. In Oblivion I created two different females that I actually really liked. The first one was a pirate she wore the laced leather pants, some light armor boots, light armor gauntlets, and had a shirt. She enchanted a cutlass later.
Another female was a crusader. She had heavy armor boots, heavy armor gauntlets and wore a shirt. If Oblivion had extra piece metal, I would have put pauldrons on her shoulders and kept the cloth shirt.
Also bring back medium armor.
I don't want to be stuck between light and heavy. And I think the way light and heavy are addressed in Skyrim is utterely ridiculous. Light armor is mostly alalala sneaky, while heavy armor is for heavy combat.
Errr people can use Light Armor for more than just stealth you know.
Also more Robes. And a good variety of Robes with Pants and Robe Robes. Not every character I role with wants to wear traditional length robes. I run an adventuring mage who uses no combat, but pant robes seem hard to come by.