Maybe he was drunk?
I lol'd was kidnapped because I killed my spouse in cold blood and regret it every day.
More like cried, actually.
Exactly. The idea of VIlkas/Aela/Marcurio/Mjoll/any other BA follower getting kidnapped and in need of rescue is ridiculous. OK, if they got kidnapped (they could have been drugged or something). But more realistic in those cases would be if you came home, your BA spouse wasn't there, only to run in through the door the next moment and say "honey, I got kidnapped and escaped, but a few of them still are alive. Come, let's go back and teach those morons a lesson!"
Kidnapping with rescuing should have been limited to non-follower spouses.
This "mechanic" is another thing Bethesda didn't thought through, like many, many other things...
It is indeed weird that a member of the Companions would be grabbed by common bandits. The excuse I make in my head is that they could escape at any time, but want to see what their spouse will do.
They should have made it if your spouse was a strong follower, you found them at the entrance and they told you "That was easy."
But then again, they could sneak up, tie them up, throw them in a cage, and that's that.
My first EVER TES character was a Dunmer. I fell in love completely with their culture and their race, but historically and physically. The blue skin yet humanoid features made them stand out so much to me.
Even now, when I have moved on and play almost exclusively human races, I still hold a place in my black sack of blood for the Dunmer. Obviously, in Skyrim, I married a Dunmer. (It really does not help my argument that I can't remember her name )
When she was kidnapped, I donned my most overpowered Daedric armour, which was stupidly OP from levelling Enchanting to 100, then super enchanting smithing gear, then super enchanting the super-smithed armour, and the same with the weapons.
That night... Mehrunes Dagon himself shied away from the bloodbath that I caused... Nobody ever touches my pretty little Dark Elf princess!
BTW, she's the Dunmer from the College...