"Throw your weapon? But what if you can't find it?"
"M'aiq knows the world is shrinking. M'aiq has seen it."
"M'aiq has seen many caves. Well, M'aiq is not sure. They all look the same."
"M'aiq loves to travel quickly. M'aiq gets so much more done."
"M'aiq doesn't understand why someone put a book in their cannon."
"You want to know how old is M'aiq? M'aiq doesn't know numbers, how many is V, IV, III?"
"Dragons? No, I believe they are all dead by now."
"M'aiq misses mudcrabs. They are the most delicious creatures."
"It seems like some traders can't see an item has been stolen, but M'aiq knows..."
"M'aiq is not sure why anyone would sell their belongings to a scamp."
"M'aiq does not like making spells. In fact, M'aiq prefers no spells at all."
"Some say the world is starting to look more like an apple. M'aiq leaves those people alone."
"If survival was an option, M'aiq wouldn't have to run so much!"
"What is a toggle? Ah, yes. M'aiq sees them on everything. Grass, shadows, water..."
BUT NO. I tried, but this isn't what I would like to see.
I want to climb up to a frozen peak and see a body sticking partially out of the snow with a letter in its hand: "Snowy Skyrim is very beautiful, but it's so hard to keep from freezing."
Maybe with an option to leave some gold or items as an offering, like the shrines in Morrowind. Somehow each donation would impart a secret to you.