What will happen after the Great War?

Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:21 pm

What do YOU think will happen to the following provinces after the Great War, supposing the Dominion is hammered and go back in to their shell.

Cyrodiil: (new empire?)

Skyrim: (Strong with a hardy army and lots of gold or weak and divided)

Morrowind: (Redbuild after Red Mountain or will remain a wasteland with elves moving out?)

Hammerfell: (Ra Gada and Forebears unite to make a strong army and a wealthy HF or division and war)

Summerset Isles: (Plan for another attack or just forget it and push on)

High Rock: (Will finally unite? Stay with the Empire or leave?)

Orsinium: (Will continue to be sacked by the Redguards and Bretons or will become strong and powerful?)

Black Marsh: (?)

Elswhyr: (?)

Valenwood: (Bunch of weirdos that climb trees, nothing really to say here :P)

So, that's just a template with a few things that could happen. What do you think will happen after the GW to these lot?
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:16 am

After the great war? Which war? You mean an upcoming great war?

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An Lor
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:22 am

Yes, sorry I didn't make it very clear :P. I meant after the Great War that will inevitably happen soon.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:24 am

Generally I think there will be a lot of dead people. How the different people stand after that, I have no idea. I hope the Empire either collapses or, if it has to continue, shifts so Skyrim is the leading province as a poetic twist on the Imperials. Put them on the province end of an Empire for once, instead of being in charge of it.

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:39 am

I know this is about a fantasy world we're talking about here, but to create a world of make-believe inside that fantasy world is just incredible.

Go Dominion (eff the Thalmor)

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:08 pm

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:31 am

Either the Empire regains its strength and gains back its provinces (probably not that likely) or the Empire dissolves and the provinces go their own way.

To be honest, I'm okay with either.
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:02 am

Oh by the way, you forgot Valenwood. Us poor poor Bosmer...we never get no love. *pout* I'm going to go cry to my tree.


Ok, but seriously I'll take a stab at this.

Skryim / Cyrodill - I'm doing these both because they pretty much relate to each other. The Empire is going to fall apart, just looking at things now and how much Skyrim is split and even the Empire supporting Nords are looking for a chance to break away it seems. Without Skyrim, I think the Empire dies and Cyrodill becomes it's own province, but it still serves as the metropolitan center of Tamriel because geographically it still is and the Imperials are superb entrepeneurs and businessmen. Certain cultures are excellent seafarers and the like, but Imperials are just fluent in the art of business so they will still be a huge melting pot in terms of continental economy and trade. Skyrim on the other since it broke away will start to build from within and organize and unite the country as it's own. I could eventually seeing them going to war with someone, even if it is for a small piece of territory like Solsteim.

Hammerfell - They are pretty much on their way to doing their own thing. I don't think they would try to counteract the Dominion but it is certainly feasible. Like Skyrim, they're going to focus inward and unite their culture together but at the same time possibly make a new alliance with their neighbors: the Bretons.

High Rock - So with Skyrim and Hammerfell focusing within, I think High Rock undergoes a major shift in their political structure. IIRC, they don't really have a centralized government but instead are more like a nation of city-states. They will see everybody else and need to make decision whether to unite the land under one banner or at least come to a mutual agreement. I think this province will have the most democratic type of society. With that said since the Empire broke apart they will want an ally and I believe the Redguard would be a natural choice. If the Nords and Skyrim want to join, I could see that too.

Orsinium - will stay the same, probably be sacked by someone. Though here is an interesting thought. If the Orcs could somehow gain some strength, maybe...just maybe they make a push for a larger potion of land, taking some from Hammerfell and Skyrim in the mountains. They would truly have a province to call their own...small, but their own. With all the internal rebuilding of Skyrim and Hammerfell, they might actually succeed and they could further their culture (which I would like to see). The Orcs could literally get a new nickname...instead of being the Pariah Folk, they could be Mountain Elves or something.

Summerset Isles / Valenwood - if the Dominion gets pushed back, I could see the Bosmer and Altmer remaining together. They will realize that their (failed) push for forceful dominance left a sour taste in many peoples mouths and will want to have a united front to dissuade anybody from trying to attack them.

Elsweyr - pretty much the same here, but they might break away. However considering their gratefulness to the Dominion I think they will stick by their side. Doing so pretty much solidifies the Dominon's presence in the southern and southwest of Tamriel (plus it's so easy to trick a cat mean come on...you can squirt one with a water pistol from across the room because they're climbing the curtains, and they will run over to you for protection...)

Morrowind - same state they are now, trying to rebuild after the Red Mountain disaster.

Black Marsh - remains independent until they see the need to do an alliance with an outsider, and will continue to look for ways to enact revenge on the Dunmer.

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:11 pm

Knew I was missing something.....
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 2:12 am

I hope every province becomes independent.

But who knows what will happen,People will always conquer other lands.

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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:35 am

honestly, I don't see every province being independent as being beneficial for the average Citizen of Tamriel...

if anything, it could actually make the average citizens life worse...

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Claudia Cook
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:42 am

I mean.. They could still have a friendly relationship with eachother without forcing their cultures,laws etc upon eachother. But i dont think that will happen

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:58 am

The 'Empire' is only in Cyrodiil waiting for another worthy Emperor to come along and unite the land. The Thalmor are no more than a political inconvenience while the Dominion is still around and reaping the benefits of a better, albeit Thalmor-less relationship with it's client states. Everything else is a free-for-all. Tamriel is an Arena once again.

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:54 am

Cyrodill: Empire weakened and finally dissolves. A province afterward trying to rebuild from the ashes and probably loses some of its southern lands back to the beast races.

Skyrim: Weakened by the expenditure of men in the war and struggling to rebuild

Morrowind: Still rebuilding from the Red Mountain cataclysm which it is even now doing according to what we learn on Solstheim

Hammerfell: Carries on as usual though many men were lost in the war.

Summersets: Not unscathed but suffers far less than the mainland provinces

High Rock: The most powerful of the mainland provinces due to its position on the mainland and it's land is largely untouched. Crowns and Forebears set aside the truce made for the war and return to fighting.

Orsinium: Much of its woes are due to the Orsimer's own infighting so I see no change.

Black Marsh: Much the same though its armies which were in command of the Thalmor are destroyed and its fortresses torn down. Life for the average Argonian goes on much as before.

Elsewyr: See Black Marsh

Valenwood: As a willing partner with the Thalmor pretty much decimated cities and lands.

Result: High Rock doesn't have the cohesiveness to expand its borders after the empire dissolves which leaves possibly some border sniping with Orsinium and/or Skyrim.

Morrowind retakes its borders and is hostile to Black Marsh

Tamriel is in upheavel due to the death of the empire.

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:36 am

you are an Idealist, nothing wrong with that,

if you look at the History of the Empire, it has prevented wars between its provinces, and the fact both those provinces were part of the Empire was the only thing preventing war..

The Average Citizens aren't overly culturally accepting. in Morrowind we see the Dunmer of Vvardenfel (sp?) not overly liking anyone from other parts of the empire (they referred to them as "Outlanders"), in Skyrim we have seen Nords being less then accepting of other cultures.
(Actually, if we look at history the Imperials are some of the most accepting, but thats neither here nor there).

If every Province became Independent, they would no longer have that overseeing body of the empire to providing the "negotiating", and many of the long-building Cultural Hatred would likely see most if not all independent nations at war.

I think of after the Fall of the Roman Empire, Europe was war-torn for quite awhile..

in the long run, the "Average Citizen", is much better with their land as part of a greater Political Body then they are with it as an Independent nation...

I am not saying the empire falling would necessarily be a bad thing, but it would be best for the average Citizen if another Empire took its place, or some form of international Governing Body (perhaps a Tamriel equivalent of the UN?)

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:31 am

Nobody cares about Valenwood. It's the land of the shorties

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:54 am

Short people live longer, FYI

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:34 pm

Not Wood Elves I'm sure I haven't seen any 100+ old Bosmer.
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